<p>Hi... I REALLY want to go to NYU, BU, BC, USC, or university of washington.</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.4 unweighted...
I screwed up when i was frenshman year... mostly i got B's....
but then i got mostly A's on sophomore year and junior year was rigorous that mostly i got A's, b's, and C's... because all my classes were like AP class I got 26 on my ACT but i know that i can raise it to like 32 or something because i didnt even study for ACT. I have some extracurriculum and also internship at Priavte Banking, company, and college. Also 200+ community services.</p>
<p>IS there ANY chance to get in those colleges?
I really need to go there..</p>
<p>thanks and what else do i need to improve?
i know definately GPA and my ACT and also do well on SAT...</p>
<p>USC is definitely a reach for you, as well as NYU. You might have a chance at UW, BU, or BC though.</p>
<p>Can you estimate my chances for U-Washington? I have a thread on it somewhere on this forum…it’s either at the bottom of page 1 or on page 2.</p>
<p>@mrlarencenguyen How could NYU be a reach and BC a match? BC is ranked (slightly) higher, higher average test scores, and lower acceptance rate.</p>
<p>You have a shot at UW and BU as it is right now, but you’ll definitely want to do some extra work to have a chance at your other three choices. I don’t know how realistic it is to jump 6 points on the ACT, even if you never studied for it. Regardless, BC’s average score, for example, is around a 30, and because your GPA will be lower than other’s applying to your three more competitive choices (USC, BC, NYU), you’re going to need some really great ECs to make up for it. If your internship or volunteer work was pretty significant beyond the amount of hours you did it, you may have a shot, but these are still reaches either way.</p>
<p>have you tried the SAT?</p>
<p>To be honest, I don’t know even know what BC stands for. I just took a random guess and assumed it had a ~50% acceptance rate.</p>
<p>EDIT: Ah okay, Boston College. That was my first guess anyway, and I assumed its acceptance rate was similar to Boston U :P</p>
<p>Haha no problem, I’m biased so I couldn’t let it slide, sorry about that, but NYU is still also a great school.</p>