Chance Update! Eng Hopeful

<p>My scores are:
M: 630
CR: 700
W: 580</p>

AP Calc AB
AP Comp Sci
AP Stat
Honors everything else except Literature
Got two Cs softmore year :((((((
GPA UW: 3.6 .5+/- ( i think rough calculation)</p>

<p>Extracurricular and writing the essays will be my strongest suits. Due to the fact that I have done:
Student Council Pres 2 yrs (fresh-soph)
Model UN officer (soph-jun-senior) (both club level and elected by my peers)
Club founder and President: (soph-jun-sen) (different club)
Part time job (work 4 days a week)
2-3 sport athlete
captain of both the tennis and cross country teams (became capt as soph)
History Honors Society
School Newspaper contributor
(Maybe) NAT honors society

<p>Aside from that I feel I will be able to knock the essay out of the park, will this be enough to be admitted?</p>

<p>also was selected two years in a row for national model un conference, and am a NJ resident</p>

<p>I am assuming ENG is English not Engineering…if so, I think it might be a stretch based on stats alone. Your GPA is in the bottom 25% for the Fall 2014 admitted students. Your SAT scores are in the mid 50% (Math) to upper 25% (verbal) so that should help. VT is very stat driven. See link below for statistics. Admission is tough to predict so I say go for it. </p>

<p><a href=“Admissions: First Time Freshman Profile - B10”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>sorry for the confusion its engineering @bboop42</p>

<p>Also @bboop42 it is unweighted and the page you directed me to was a weighted gpa I believe</p>

<p>OK, so your un-weighted gpa is good. AP Calc AB is a plus. I’m hoping that you took an Honors Physics class because VT really encourages Engineering hopefuls to take Physics. While you may knock your essays out of the park, VT sometimes has viewed the essays as the “icing on the cake” rather than the cake. If you don’t have the cake the icing doesn’t matter. The one potential issue that I can see with your stats is your math SAT score. It’s fine if you are an English major but not good if you are an Engineering major. Did you take the SAT more than once? VT will take the highest scores from any of the SAT tests that you have taken. Good luck. </p>

<p>Here is the 2013 Freshman Engineering Stats. Note that the Avg GPA (weighted) is 4.33 top 25% / 4.12 mid 50% / 3.89 bottom 25%. I am not sure how much your GPA changes with 4 APs, etc. Agree with ChrisTKD that Honors or AP Physics (if offered) is really key in their review of course load and rigor and the Math SAT is below the avg 25th Pctl so you may want to retake.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>select the year and the file will show…</p>

<p>@chrisTKD @bboop42 considering the fact that I may not make it into engineering are my chances good for at least university studies because I may just be able to transfer into eng my softmore year.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at US but it too is not a slam dunk so please make sure you have other options lined up just in case. Hopefully, you will not need them, but you want to make sure all applications are in to various places just in case. Best of luck…I am glad both my son’s are done with this process and are now happily in college. (VT and JMU) very stressful, hang in there</p>