<p>I was deferred back in November pending receipt of my semester grades. I applied for summer 2012, had a 24 ACT and 3.3 GPA. I also had really strong essays, 75+ hrs of community service, varsity sports, and more ECs. Since then I have also retaken the ACTs and increased my score to a 25 composite. Here is how my first semester went:</p>
<p>1st Quarter:
Studies of Sexuality: A
Physical Education: A
Microbiology: A
Math: A
Forensic Science: A
Ancient Mythology: A
Psychology: A</p>
<p>2nd Quarter:
Studies of Sexuality: A
Physical Education: B (waiting for other grades to be entered, should be an A)
Microbiology: HIGH B (still waiting for midterm grade, hopefully an A)
Math: A (hopefully will maintain this after midterm)
Forensic Science: A
Ancient Mythology: A
Psychology: A</p>
<p>Can anyone tell me what they think will end up happening? I decided that I am going to hand them my transcripts in person and schedule an appointment with an admissions officer. I am visiting February 16th. I also plan on writing a letter to express my continued interest. Thanks for the help everyone!</p>