
<p>Major: Architecture
Weighted AVG- 93.6 (Don't know what it converts to)
SAT- Math- 640
Reading- 600
Writing- 550
AP- English
Calculus AB
Teacher Rec- Great
Counselor Rec- Great
Rank- School doesn't rank
Job- Worked with landscape
Worked at sports memorabilia store
Ethinicity- White</p>

<p>State- NY</p>

<p>yankees123 Welcome to the VT discussion board! Tech is very numbers driven. They look a lot at the strength of your high school curriculum, grades and test scores. As I stated in another post, we were at Tech last August for an info session and one of the admissions dept. representatives stated that the average incoming architecture and engineering school freshmen had an A/A-GPA average with taking the most rigorous curriculum possible. I don't recall her info on SAT scores.</p>

<p>Is your hs grading scale on a 90-100= A? That would make your GPA be in line with what they want. Your SAT scores look competitive too, but you have the OOS factor working against you. I think you have a solid shot, but gaining admittance into the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at VT is arguably the toughest one there due to it being a restricted major. They only take about 100 +/- students a year. I have added a link to the CAUS programs with some info on applying. Hope this helps. Good luck and keep us posted! </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yes my hs grading scale is 90-94 A 95-100 A+</p>

<p>SATs will really hurt you if you're trying to do architecture</p>

<p>I don't think the oos will hurt. It's easier to get in from oos than from Northern Virginia. I think you'll get in, but not for Architecture.</p>