Chances at being accepted ... honest answer

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I am a junior in high school and I am from Florida.</p>

<p>I took the SAT for the first time on December 5th, and although I was slightly disappointed with my scores; I feel as if they were decent for having absolutely no preparation at all.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>580 Critical Reading
530 Math
570 Writing</p>

<p>GPA - 3.98
Class rank - Top 25% (This is an estimate; I may be higher)</p>

<p>I am in the International Baccalaureate program at my school which is the equivalent of AP classes except for Pre Calc Honors and French 3 Honors. I hope to obtain an IB Diploma at the end of my senior year.</p>

<p>Extra Curricular - I play on the varsity soccer team and I am involved in a few clubs (Not an officer of any club due to soccer). Additionally, I am in the National Honor Society at my school.</p>

<p>I just wanted some honest outside input as to my chances of being admitted into the first year engineering program. </p>

<p>I am taking the ACT in February and plan to get a tutor to help me with the math. Also, I plan to take the SAT at least 2 more times. </p>

<p>Any advice given is greatly appreciated! Thank you!</p>

<p>How long have you been involved in the clubs you mentioned? I think that if you’re actively involved in soccer, that will make up for not having the significant leadership positions.</p>

<p>For your SAT, I would recommend taking it one more time (not a total of three times… that’s just too much) and study alot. If you didn’t study at all for this one, and you study alot for the next one I bet you could bring it up by a total of 100-200 points (so 33-66 per section), which will be decent. Pull them up enough and you can do it. If you don’t get them up, I’m hesitant to say that you even have a shot.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ve been in them since sophomore year because that is the year I transferred to this school. Would you say that my GPA is fine? And if I get my test scores up but 100-200 points you think I have a pretty good shot?</p>

<p>200 points is best. That would, I think, put you in a relatively good position. Your GPA is really good, I think, but it’s weird that you have a 3.98 while only being in the top 25% of your class.</p>

<p>Also, on your application in the additional information section be sure to explain that because of the extensive amounts of time you dedicate to soccer you are unable to participate as much as you would like in extracurriculars. Write a good essay, and get someone who can write a good recommendation for you.</p>

<p>If you do all that, and get your scores up 100 points, I’d say you have a chance. Get them up by 200 points, and I think you have a decent shot. I think all the IB courses definitely help.</p>

<p>Again, good luck, and Merry Christmas.</p>

<p>thank you so much! i will make sure to study for my next SAT … and my school does not send rankings or have rankings</p>

<p>Is that 3.98 UW or W? Ignore what others say, because being in an IB program will help your chances a lot and if it’s weighted 3.98, than that’s really good to for IB program. I’m from South Florida, if you are too, I assume you’re at Atlantic High School, Suncoast, J.P. Taravella or another neighboring school. </p>

<p>Get your SAT scores up. An 1110 is quite lower than the middle 50% of applicants. Try and get into the 1200s (1240-1280 or higher). </p>

<p>Hope this helps. However, if you get it up even a little higher, say an 1180, I’d say you could get deferred and then waitlisted and then taking off the waitlist in say May or June.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot BruinsJEW. Yeah, I go to North Broward Prep in Coconut Creek. And I think it is weighted. Thats what I am shooting for. The thing is that on this past SAT I omitted a lot of questions to even have a shot at a decent score; hence, my low score.</p>

<p>I recommend taking a course for the SATs, they’ll teach you how to take the test and you should see some results. Marty Feldman is one of the most well known Florida. Funny, I went to North Broward Prep. for one year (6th grade) then transferred over to gifted programs and went to one of the best public schools. I have friends at UMiami who went to NBPS, I could ask them what they got to get in.</p>

<p>Try taking the ACT. Both my kids found it much easier and did well. (One studied for the SAT the other did not study for either.)</p>

<p>Buy an AT book and read the hints for test taking and it has helped everyone I’ve told those hints to (including son#2 that didn’t study for either test at all.)</p>

<p>ALL schools accept the ACT so you will have no worry and if you do well you don’t have to sent the SAT scores at all!!!</p>

<p>Good luck… Son #1 is a 'Cane on scholarship and loves it there!</p>

<p>Oops- reread about the ACT. Good luck. I am hoping that you do not have to retake the SAT at all!!</p>

<p>Remember to look at the ACT hints or PM me!</p>