<p>Im a rising senior looking at applying early decision to tech.</p>
<p>My current gpa is 3.44
Co captain of the debate team
Captain of the orienteering team
Sca delegate
Have been employed since this past febuary
Courses (especielly junior year) have included extra math and science.
200+ community service hours
Sat 1800ish
Instate student (if it matters)</p>
<p>Senior year schedule:
AP bio
AP composition
AP statistics
AP comparative government
Enviromental science
Naval science 2
Philosophy/international relations</p>
<p>My planned major is wildlife management. What do my chances look like?</p>
<p>I’ve not been one to reply for the “chances” type of thread, simply because you just never know when it comes to admissions. There are always students whose admission results are surprising…some you would think are a lock don’t get in, others who you think wouldn’t have a chance, do.</p>
<p>At the time we visited for the information session 4 years ago, the admissions staff emphasized the importance of the strength of your hs curriculum and subsequent GPA, class rank, then test scores. I don’t know if that has changed, but I doubt it. </p>
<p>Is your GPA weighted? If so, you may be a bit low. Being in state will help you
as will the fact that you aren’t going into one of the more competitive majors (Engineering, Architecture, etc.) ECs and recommendation letters aren’t really a factor with a large state school like VT. They are very numbers driven. </p>
<p>Don’t know if any of the above has helped, but best wishes to you as you start the process!</p>