chances at fsu, usf and ucf too

<p>Hello, I applied to fall. Which means I am applying for summer and fall. I was wondering what my chances of getting in are.</p>

<p>3.1 unweight HS GPA
5.1 weighted</p>

<p>3.5 (not sure if that is the recalculated)</p>

<p>1190/1690 on the SAT
24 ACT</p>

<p>objectively, I think my essay was a 4.5-5/6 </p>

<p>in nhs, fbla, editor of two newspapers, beta, history club, science club, </p>

<p>I have taken ap human geo, american history, art history, biology, language, enviornmental science, </p>

<p>im now in 12th grade i have ap stat, euro, literature, psychology, chemistry, and economics</p>

<p>I have been deferred by ucf (fall) and usf (summer). I think something it wrong or something cause I didn't think I would be deferred by usf. But those two colleges havent gotten my 1190/1690 SAT score, which I think is good enough for those two colleges, but I don't know anymore.</p>

<p>Do you guys think I have a chances at fsu? or better yet all three of them?</p>

<p>start with being realistic about your grades. It is not possible to have a 3.1 unweighted and 5.1 weighted. The only way that could be possible is if every single class beginning ninth grade was an AP class and your school is on a 6.0 scale. To be deferred by USF for summer would suggest there is something you are not aware of that is creating a problem. Could there be a problem with a letter of recommendation or in your file? Speak with your guidance counselor and ask their opinion. In most cases FSU is atleast as competitive as UCF and more competitive than USF. In addition FSU tends to look more closely at numbers (test scores and GPA) than UCF which has accepted students that have stellar EC's etc. Also, I noticed your post was filled with typos and misspellings. Were you VERY careful when filling out your applications. Things like that are considered rather inexcusable.
Good luck...</p>

<p>If your unweighted GPA is 3.1, and your weighted GPA is 3.5, your FSU GPA (search FSU threads here for the link) is probably 3.4-3.6. Unfortunately, that and your scores put you in the bottom 25% based on the numbers for the class admitted Sept 2008. And since you applied for Fall and not summer, you may be declined or deferred. I think your ultimate chances for summer are a maybe because you applied for fall and not summer.</p>

<p>I think you will get an admit to USF eventually. I believe you will also be deferred for UCF for fall but might be offered a summer slot. </p>

<p>HOWEVER, it is getting tough all over in Florida. I would get applications in NOW to the next level of universities such as FAU, FGCU, UNF.... Don't wait until it looks like an afterthought. I would apply to a few more by Nov 15. The longer you wait, the more likely you will be scrambling for a spot somewhere. Better to be prepared and have multiple acceptances to choose from. Good Luck.</p>

In most cases FSU is atleast as competitive as UCF and more competitive than USF. In addition FSU tends to look more closely at numbers (test scores and GPA) than UCF which has accepted students that have stellar EC's etc.


<p>This is incorrect - FSU is substantially more competitive as of late than UCF and historically. FSU recently cut the bottom 20% off their freshman class and as a result the most recent SAT average reported was 1261 and as high as 1265 (ACT 28). See: FSU</a> Highlights </p>

<p>UCF reported a SAT average of 1219 (ACT 26) for the same period. See: Freshmen</a> Profile</p>

<p>Your chances at Florida State are weak unless you qualify as a gifted athlete (or similar) or under another program.</p>

<p>My D has lower test scores than you and she is deferred at UCF for Summer and accepted at FGCU for Fall. </p>

<p>D took her ACT yesterday and submitted it to UCF for further review. D is waiting for admissions decisions from FSU for Summer (she applied in the first round) and USF for Fall (they are still deciding). </p>

<p>D is OOS. I think she did pretty good for herself, she was able to stick her foot in the door and get noticed by Florida schools where we thought she would have a very difficult time getting into.</p>

<p>It will be a SHOCK if she gets in at FSU, this is her reach school, other than test scores, she looks great on paper but FSU puts alot of emphasis on test scores. When we visited FSU and spoke to the Dean of Hospitality Management, he told D since she is OOS she would need at least need a 25 ACT. D tried. We're hoping her ECs, GPA, and Essay make her an outstanding candidate.</p>

<p>She has already been accepted to her #3 school for Fall, East Carolina, so she's anxiously awaiting to see if FSU or UCF wants her before making a final decision.</p>

<p>I got deffered and i was wondering if i still can get in.
My SAT score is 950- which i know its really low
my unweighted gpa is a 3.5 and my weighted is a 4.3.
i have taken the sats 4 times already. is it bad if i take it the 5th time?
On the ACT i got a 22 and i had already taken it 3 times.
Should i just take the Act again only?</p>

<p>If you want to compare with someone who got in with subpar grades and EC, here is what I had.</p>

<p>4.0 Weighted GPA
26 ACT Writing portion was average
1060 SAT Writing portion above average
Only EC I had was Football and Track.</p>

<p>FSU is really strict on the minimum requirement of 500 in Reading, Math and Writing on the SAT and a 21 in Reading and Math and 22 in Writing on the SAT. The deferral gives you a chance to get a higher score on another test up through February, rather than being flat out denied.</p>

<p>I don’t think it matters how many times you take the test. Data mining simply pulls the best subscores from each attempt.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I got deferred from USF and FSU but i got accepted into UCF summer. My unweighted gpa is a 3.1 and my weighted is around 3.5ish.My highest SAT is 1070 and my ACT is 22. I sent a letter of recommendation and resume and essay to USF. Will I get accepted it is my first choice school?</p>

<p>what are my chances of getting into FSU
I am a senior in the IB program. I am applying to FSU,UF,USF,FAMU,UCF. </p>

<p>My stats
4 years in the IB program
2yrs in national honors society
3 years in french honor society
4 years in french club
3 years on my hs dance team-varsity-officer position
i do 3 other school related clubs.
I have a 3.7 gpa and i got a 1600/2400 on my first SAT which i will be taking again. I have not taking the ACT but i will be taking that as well.
I have passed my AP lit IB SL biologoy I and IB SL French</p>

<p>Laradramer 3.7 weighted or unweighted, post your Critical Reading and Math seperate scores as well.</p>

<p>Your extracurriculars are strong.</p>

<p>I got in for summer with these stats : 1210/1600 1850/2400 3.4 UW 4.0 W</p>

<p>hey guys i dont know how to navigate this site since im on my phone so can you help me. I am really sensitive but I am also realistic so please do not laugh at my SAT/ACT score. Well here goes 3.9 uw GPA 23 ACT 1690 SAT ( yes I will retake them ) NHS Beta FBLA FCCLA YPTI S.A.D.D orchestra all honors courses. I was a two sport athelete until I injured myself so I really wasnt in a postiton to take AP but I am in dual enrollment. My mother and I are really poor she lost her job and my parents are divorced and my father is dead so I dont have money to pay the membership dues for the clubs at my school and I really dont have any money for college. Not to be rude but I have been looking for a job but where I live( Im African American) we have a lot of illegal immigrants who are hired over my friends and I. So my question really is what college in georgia would be a good fit for me?</p>