Chances at Ivies + CalTech + MIT

<p>well....the above statement completely wipes out the statement i made directly above it....sigh. dammit people have at least SOME niceties.</p>

<p>Who dug this back out of the gutter?</p>

redbirdz--if you're serious about your results, pay attention. if you're not, congratulations on making dozens of people mad based on an online joke--i like the way you think. </p>

<p>basically, the arguments here about scores v. gpa are ridiculous. you're not the kind of person who just has good scores--you literally aced more tests than most college admissions counselors probably thought possible. you are a very special case.</p>

<p>if you really want to be a lock in all the colleges you've mentioned, find a mensa center, and try to get mensa certified. if you can, you're a shoo-in all over the country.</p>

<p>finally, a 90 gpa weighted is not bad. colleges will not hold that against you with scores like the yours.</p>

<p>congratulations on your accomplishments, and good luck</p>

<p>slackers unite!</p>

<p>finally, if redbirdz can get hundreds of replies about his college chances, will someone please respond to mine---please!!
its on the front page of what are my changes thing, and it's by heraclitus.</p>


<p>im pretty sure being Mensa certified woulndt do squat with admissions.</p>

itd still be cool...
ill probably try one day</p>

<p>wow this thread is super entertaining, lol but those scores are demanding......................... oh well</p>

<p>lol, redbirdz, yer hilarious...this was the longest troll thread i've ever seen.</p>

<p>this is a very odd thread in that way yes</p>

<p>Somehow I don't think a troll would bother to send an update on which school's he's added to his list -- this guy's for real.</p>

<p>It disturbs me that the most academically talented people on this forum are singled out for criticisms, accusations, and ad hominems primarily because the rest of us are intimidated by their stats. I believe the "arrogance" to which the other posters are referring to is</p>

<p>(a) quite justified, given his scores and abilities
(b) perhaps a result of misunderstanding -- plenty of people see things like high school physics as extensions of middle school concepts, especially if they go to good middle schools. Not to mention not everyone here has hundreds of posts on CollegeConfidential. I'm sure you know lots of kids with little to no credentials who are somehow convinced they're getting into Harvard. (Not that this guy has weak credentials, I'm just saying his statements don't warrant the cruelty directed towards him since they're actually rather common.)
(c) not an issue of real importance for him, at least not for the college admissions process; I'm sure this guy wouldn't do something stupid like mentioning Caltech and MIT were his safeties in his essay or interview.</p>

<p>Anyhow, I'm not sure what your chances are. I'm not an admissions officer, nor do I have inside information on what schools are "looking for." But just in case you get rejected (like with that GPA or something), get yourself a safety or two (as everyone else has been saying). It's always nice to have a Plan B.</p>

<p>(Oh, and too bad you didn't do early action, or else you wouldn't have to worry about most of this stuff. Maybe in a future life apply EA to those schools that allow it.)</p>

<p>well...the fact of the matter is that the criticism pointed towards him is well-justified...anyone who calls duke a second-tier university has incurred the wrath of any self-righteous blue devil, and secondly, to say that MIT/Caltech are "safeties" and plays them off as such does insult those with similiar statistics but were rejected. He pretty much doesn't have a right to call them that because they aren't. </p>

<p>and as for his 'justified' arrogance....his 83 gpa doesn't intimidate anyone. I will acknowledge the fact that he does have impressive standardized scores, but neither I, nor he, are adcoms and we have no idea what they really want, so....his arrogance isn't justified at all</p>

<p>83 gpa is UNWEIGHTED so what are u talking about piping</p>

<p>Perhaps, but I'd be inclined to forgive him considering he's only got 22 posts on this board and probably doesn't have much experience with the college process. Plenty of people reach too high or pick the wrong safeties, but they're not doing it to offend people, they're just doing it because they have over-optimistic ideas of what the colleges want (and underestimate other colleges such as Duke). You can't really blame someone for acting on false information.</p>

<p>lol reach too high? pick the wrong safeties? if its the wrong safeties then why did i get in</p>

<p>alright thats what i thought</p>

<p>(a) Which of the schools did you get accepted to? I am rather confused -- I was under the impression that none of the "safety schools" you have listed have actually come out with official decisions yet. I believe Carnegie Mellon is the 24th and Duke is the 30th, or perhaps I have it backwards.
(b) Just because a person gets into a school doesn't necessarily mean it was a safety for them. It could have been, say, a reach for them and they got lucky through a good essay, etc.</p>

<p>true it could have been a match or a reach, not a safety. its hard to say.</p>

<p>hmmm fixiz's post #115 is interesting, so how DID you get into those colleges, redbirdz?</p>

<p>and, i'm not going to lie, an 83 unweighted or weighted will not intimidate anyone on this site...nothing against you, but with the people on this board, it IS on the low end for ivies and your "safeties," MIT and CalTech.</p>

<p>it could have been a match/reach but based on the fact that its a likely letter? yea i doubt thats a reach . . .</p>

<p>I know many students who are much more qualified than you, Redbirdz, to call the top universities in the nation "safeties," as they were unsurprisingly and deservedly accepted to every school they applied to. None of them, however, were so arrogant as to actually regard any of those top schools as safeties.</p>

<p>this isnt arrogance; it's what i deserve for working hard in h.s.</p>

<p>... on standardized tests you mean...</p>