<p>working hard will eventually be for naught if you act like a big a-hole towards everybody.
like the general motors commercial, you gotta be professional grade, both in work ethic and mannerism...its a two part deal, bro.</p>
Okay, this guy's more then likely a troll but I'm deff not and by the time I graduate I'll have 8 SAT IIs and about 10 APs. And I'm deff not anti-social. I have an abundance of friends and I do 4 sports, tech and other stuff.</p>
<p>He's a troll, but not everybody who takes that many SAT IIs and APs are anti-social nerds. =]]</p>
<p>Some likely letters are a marketing</a> scheme to persuade mediocre students to apply to schools, thus increasing their yield. Receiving a likely letter does not necessarily mean your stats are sufficiently high to consider said college a safety (though I suppose it's still a good indication of acceptance). Note that the OP to whom I linked applied to Harvard, which may be more -- political.</p>
<p>From my limited experience (as an EA admit to Caltech) you probably have decent chances of being accepted to at least one of the top six, even with your GPA, but I think it ticks off some of the veterans here when they see people being so self-confident (since admissions is relatively random, and even excellent</a> candidates aren't always successful in the process (note Physics08's multiple Olympiad awards, good GPA/SATs, etc.). Many people here don't think HYPSMC are safeties for anyone, even for people who reach IMO and have cured cancer.</p>
<p>To be honest, the Olympiad aspect of Physics08 isn't very impressive.. only semifinalist. That being said, the rest of the application was strong and definitely supports the concept of how, no matter how excellent an applicant you are, there is not guarantee you'll perform well in the admissions process.</p>
<p>And of course, Redbirdz has yet to tell us exactly at what level his participation in the Olympiads are. Because if he only has the semifinalist title to his name, he has an even more decreased chance than his already-likely-to-be-poor imagined outcomes.</p>
<p>OK, this is getting stale. Redbirdz, plz tell us ur:
Olympiad accomplishment</p>
<p>U started this, at least help us constructively criticize...</p>
<p>you are an animal.......how did you even fit so many AP's in your schedule?</p>
<p>i didnt do so hot on the USAMO but i atleast was good enough to get past the AIME, and my class rank eh w/e 83ish gpa but 90 weighted, and that is before the midyear report of 95! so basically 95 gpa, insane scores</p>
<p>How exactly is that a 95 GPA if that is just your mid year report? Or is it cumulative?</p>
<p>"this isnt arrogance; it's what i deserve for working hard in h.s."</p>
<p>HAHAHAHAHA ok mr. 82 unweighted</p>
<p>Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the problem with weighted GPAs is the weighting tends to vary heavily by school, so I was under the impression people looked more at a combination of unweighted grades and class rank than pure weighted numbers.</p>
<p>that's right fizix...so weighted gpa is unreliable....unweighted gpa is unreliable as well because it doesn't show the difficulty of the courses you've taken, so in terms of high school experience, rank would probably be the most important because it directly compares you with your peers.</p>
<p>But, if your school doesn't weight then even rank would be unreliable because you could have all honors and AP classes but have a lower class rank then somebody who took all blowoff courses.</p>
<p>yea thats my case...by the time i graduate ill have taken the hardest course load at my school and will have probably an unweighted 3.88 GPA (ive been pretty consistent with that throughout high school) but since we dont have weighted grades our school doesnt rank.</p>
<p>I feel sorry for overachievers whose schools don't weight GPAs -- it's a really awful system.
Unless they manage to get 4.0s while simultaneously taking the hardest courseload at their school, in which case congratulations :)</p>
<p>school doesnt rank, and its 95 not cumulative but for the midyear report</p>
<p>goodluck to me in 2 weeks!</p>
<p>Two weeks? How about your MIT decision due for right now?</p>
<p>MIT is not an ivy</p>
<p>does that mean you didn't get in?</p>
<p>does it REALLY matter?</p>
<p>hahahahaahahahaha i think we know what that means</p>