<p>waitlisted, but even a waitlist is good for a school like MIT, as i saw from all the people rejected on teh MIT forum, everyone with 2300+ is rejected (nearly), and only 2 others waitlisted that i saw, i feel blessed almost</p>
<p>dont feel blessed</p>
<p>it seems to me u r trying to rationalize the situation- u dont seem well-rounded enough though</p>
<p>i dunno-u cant say "all kids with 2300 and above were rejected, so i am the best cuz i wasnt, and i was w8listed"</p>
<p>it simply means the kids were geeks, with no life, and u just were lower on the scale probably</p>
<p>or they saw that ur test-taking skills do not go along with ur diligence, and decided to w8 till they find sb else, who is both</p>
<p>I can't tell whether you've actually been enlightened to the fact that admission to top colleges isn't as clear-cut as you first made it out to be or not..</p>
<p>i love how he thought he was a shoe in but is now "happy" he has been waitlisted</p>
<p>You're definitely blessed not to get into MIT...good one.</p>
<p>meh it seems more like MIT is blessed</p>
<p>btw I have a friend with similar statistics to you, as many APs and same AP coarse load same SAT scores although not as many SAT IIs (he also did all of the math/sci olympiads). and the "best" school he got into was Duke, being rejected from Stanford and up. </p>
<p>although he has a better attitude and higher GPA (4.0 UW. 5.00W) he still did not do much on the side, (community service, research, etc.) and voila. </p>
<p>He is happy at duke however.</p>
<p>oh and on another, if those are your real stats in the OP, then I hope u figure out how to work harder as it seems a decent chunk of you HS got a higher GPA than you and therefore probably has a stronger work ethic, possibly the reason you were waitlisted. </p>
<p>Your SATs are impressive indeed. Nevertheless genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.</p>
<p>How many people from MIT are waitlisted every year?</p>
<p>Wow, are you kidding me?? So many perfect SAT scores... you are either a wannabe or a genius.</p>
<p>What i believe is that u possess the one key trait that colleges want:
bright mind
but u do not possess the other one, that would get u in, and that is diligence. I believe that were u to have studied more assiduously, you **WOULD **have been a shoo-in.
But that is what undermined u overall....pity</p>
<p>yup...see? round your assets was my advice...</p>
<p>How many people from MIT are waitlisted every year?</p>
<p>i wanna say over 500 are waitlisted. however it doesnt really matter since nobody gets in off them (1 in 2004 though). he got rejected, he just gets to add a nice word to it.</p>
<p>i guess a lot</p>
<p>thanks for callin me natural genius at the least and i know that if i studied more i wouldve been able to get into MIT with no prob, if i got waitlisted with zero effort, ZERO</p>
<p>i am simply that good of a testtaker</p>
<p>"this isnt arrogance; it's what i deserve for working hard in h.s."</p>
<p>yeah man
83 woohoo</p>
<p>that sucks</p>
<p>You are by no means a natural genius, just good at taking tests; there is a difference. IF you were an actual natural genius your GPA would have been considerably higher.</p>
<p>its sad that you thought a couple of extra weekends taking tests in school would overcompensate for hardwork and dedication.</p>
<p>the south is not living in the 18th century!!!!!</p>
<p>so stuff it</p>
<p>There are thousands of decent, hardworking applicants applying duke that would die for a chance to go there, it is one of the best schools in the country.</p>
<p>I hope they reject you, laugh, and post up your application because they can't believe that somebody like you would even consider going to duke</p>
<p>I don't even think that the University of Phoenix online would accept you with that attitude.</p>
<p>1st of all thats a diss to U of Phoenix dont stoop to that level</p>
<p>2nd u all keep saying i hav no work ethic and that i have a 83 gpa, yes, that is UNWEIGHTED, my school is hard hence the 90 weighted about, with a 95 midyear</p>
<p>and btw i will hav my guidance counselor call MIT to see what the hell happened, i mean yes i AM happy i got waitlisted atleast and not rejected like 80% of applicants in regular decision, im blessed, but i just dont know what went wrong really i had it all planned out</p>
<p>You got waitlisted because you had a 90 GPA unweighted and from the looks of it virtually no ECs. You are arrogant and it probably came through in your essays. You had many good tests, yes but there are others who aren't arrogant nerds who were more well-rounded, worked in highschool and got a better GPA and got in. </p>
<p>YOU DIDN'T GET IN. Get over it and move on.</p>
<p>you guidance counselor should laugh in your face........</p>
<p>and you had what planned out exactly?</p>