Chances at Mays Business School

Transferred into a super competitive high school in the Woodlands junior year. Affected my class rank

  • act 31
  • new sat 1340
  • weighted GPA 3.97
  • class rank 34th %
  • Eagle Scout
  • AP Scholar award
  • Varsity football
  • good extra curricular and NHS
  • counselor and teacher recommendations
  • I thought good essays
  • applied early August - under review

Any ideas of my chances?! So nervous!

@aggiekak Not being an auto/academic admit, as you know, puts you at a disadvantage. Being so far down in class rank puts you in competition for the few spots that may be available for review candidates. Full admission may be a reach for you for that reason. In the meantime, you need to apply to other schools as safeties before Dec 1 and visit them if possible.
Between now and mid February, do your homework on the other pathways that A&M could offer you and if those pathways are something you would consider. You want to know your options and be familiar with them way before it’s time to decide.
If you are offered Blinn Team, here is the course sheet and requirements you will follow for the Pathway to Mays.
Here is more about the Transition Academic Programs. Read this. There is a pathway for auto admit to Mays.
Even though you don’t have to decide until May 1, if you are offered Full admissions or any of the pathways, such as Blinn Team,for housing purposes, you only have 30 days to apply for housing to be guaranteed priority on campus.
You will want to be in a position to accept your admissions decision as soon as possible so that you can apply for housing. Other universities housing priority may be different so be up on how things are done at every school you apply to.

@aggiekak Can you request your rank not be reported? Many high schools only report out rank for the top 10% or if requested. Also, I know of many kids who improved their rank junior year because of AP classes which are more difficult than honors/pre-ap.

Did you use one of your essays to explain your ranking situation & give specifics ( top x% at previous HS, transferred into this school at x%)? If not,or to just strengthen your app you can send two recs - tailor one from your old school favorite teacher/counselor, give them a sheet of information to use in the rec - a resume & also another sheet that states your class rank while at that school, involvement etc. & your statement saying that your transfer to the new school has lowered your class rank, goal of this rec is to show higher class standing at this school. Then let them write the rec. It is fine to ‘guide’ your rec writers to let them know the purpose of the rec , I have written them before for students when I was a teacher years ago – it is downright helpful! Be direct for best results. Go in person if you can - teachers have TONS of students so a face is easier to remember( even state your class & period if you remember it) & bring copies your old transcripts.

I don’t think so. I think rank has to be reported. My junior year GPA was a 4.28 - but it didn’t change his rank too much. This year, my senior, im taking 2 dual credit, 2 AP, an honors, art and football. I still
don’t think it will get me to top 25%. I’m not exactly sure, but I think overall weighted GPA top quarter for The Woodlands College park is about a 4.25. With my GPA end of junior year at a 3.97 I think it’s just impossible. The counselor wrote a rec explaining why my class rank is so low. Even if li was offered Blinn or gateway i would jump on it ASAP!! I’ve been offered admission to know Texas non ranking schools. But I want A&m so bad!!! Please keep your fingers crossed!!! I’m neurotic about checking AIS!!!

Yes, my counselor wrote me a letter of rec explaining and also supplied the school profile for both schools. Hope it makes a difference!!! Thanks for advice!

Sounds like you did all you could, review candidates have everything in their file looked at - it was stated years ago that 50% is rank & scores and 50% everything else. Your ACT score will help you and the explanation of your ranking will be considered in that mix of evaluation. Should you gain admission, there is a scholarship available for eagle scouts :slight_smile: Also, if Mays is full at time of admission, you are allowed to pick any open major - after taking some courses you can apply for an internal transfer to Mays.

Have you visited the campus? If I remember correctly demonstrated interest is very important. Even if you have already visited, and if it is possible to do so, I would probably reach out to one of the Mays professors who teaches a class you are interested in and see if you can meet with the prof or sit in on a class. Do you have any friends currently attending A&M that you could visit? It sounds like you are taking a pretty rigorous course load so spending a bit more time on campus might help.
Just a few suggestions.

Just wanted to tell everyone the good news! I was accepted to Mays business school today! I am so excited!! Review candidates do have a chance and I didnt have to wait until February!

@aggiekak Congratulations!!! I will happily eat my words! Very happy for you. Good Job.