Chances at UCs?

High school senior trying to get into a UC. Applied for UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCI, and UCSD mainly in biology majors.
unweighted GPA 3.84
weighted GPA 4.23
UC GPA 4.31
1450 SAT score and 6/6/6 essay score (2nd time)
1360 with 8/7/8 essay score (1st time)
Rigorous extracurriculars in summer such as volunteering at the library and hospital as well as participating in outside orchestras, volunteering at YMCA, and maintaining a job during the school year
In school orchestra, merit based academic honor society, and participate in school events
Sophomore year- 1 honors (chemistry), AP Biology
Junior year- 3 APs, 2 honors classes
Senior year- currently taking AP Calc AB, AP English Lit, and organic chemistry (3/6 classes)

What would my chances look like?

Are you an in state applicant? If so your chances are looking pretty good. Your UC GPA is a bit below average at the top UCs but your SAT score makes up for it. Your ECs seem strong as well. Best of luck!

Thanks! I am an in state applicant.

How is your UC GPA higher than weighted? I thought UC should be lower because it only caps 8 honors.
But strong SAT and GPA though.
UCB: reach
UCLA; reach
UCSD: high reach
UCD: match
UCI: match
best of luck, I applied to similar schools