Chances at UC's


us history-670

4AP tests-3 us history,4comp,3psych(lit in may)</p>

<p>great ec’s and volunteer and good essays</p>

<p>UCR and UCM are... matches I would say, although UCR may be a slight reach.
Are you eligible for UCs? I thought it was 3.0 UW.</p>

<p>It's 3.0+ UC GPA. He has 31x-ish points in addition to that so he is eligible. I say match at UCR and UCM as well. Stats aren't strong so they won't help much at the other schools and we all know how everyone thinks their own stuff is "great" so <em>shrugs</em>. UCM is pretty much guaranteed though. I forgot what the exact number was in the booklet, but something like 96-98% of those qualified were accepted. Also, theirs an official chance thread above to avoid forum clutter. Just a note.</p>

<p>try to boost your SATs</p>

<p>UCM and UCR are matches. UCSC is a slight reach (maybe a reach). The rest of the UCs are reaches.</p>