Chances at VT?

<p>Hey, i just got my SAT back and now I think It'll be able to see where i can get into. I'm wondering if I'll stand a chance at getting into VT... so here are the stats I will have after this semester.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.35
720 Math
640 RC
650 Writing with an 11 on the essay
total 2010
I will be vice president of interact next year.</p>


<p>from the big thread of who did and didnt get accepted, it seemed like the cutoff for GPAs was 3.3, seeing as a guy with 3.2 got rejected and 3.3 accepted even though the 3.2 guy had significantly higher SATs. I'm hoping my great SATs will make up for the bad gpa.</p>

<p>match? reach? slight reach?</p>

<p>Umm...a 3.7 was the average GPA last year. You may wany to check out this link.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Are you in-state or out-of-state? Are you a legacy? Given the information you have provided, I would say it's a slight reach to reach. If you're out-of-state it's probably a reach. I'm out-of-state and applied last year and didn't get in, so I applied this year as a transfer student and got in.</p>

<p>out of state no legacy. average gpa is not what im worried about, its the cutoff gpa, which this year looked like 3.3. what stats did you have?</p>

<p>theres no 'cutoff' gpa
one of my best friends got waitlisted with a 3.8 1380 sat's, ended up at nyu</p>

<p>weird, i guess i'll put it down as a slight reach for now.</p>

<p>michaelburt - Did your friend apply for engineering? That's probably one of the toughest schools to get in. </p>

<p>taffy - I had a 3.9 at Texas A&M and took a couple of architectural classes of which I made A's in. I'm sure that really helped. Tech and A&M are similiar in a lot of ways too, so maybe they thought I'd fit in well. If you read the article from the link I posted, you can see that they really want to make sure that the student is the right fit for Tech and will be happy there. It's not all about grades and test scores, but they sure as hell don't hurt. I was pretty upset last year when I didn't get in with a 1350 SATand a 3.5 GPA, but I also applied for engineering. Obviously I chose to switch at A&M, thankfully. Being out-of-state is really tough, so don't get your hopes up, but if you really want to go and don't make it the first time around, try again. Just remember that for engineering you'd better have some great math grades. Your Math SAT looks great.</p>

<p>Yeah you definately have solid stats, but my friend applied to the business school. I'd say you have a soliod shot. If you're waitlisted, make contact with them and let them know how much you want to be at Tech, they pull a lot of people off the waitlist. My friend probably could have gotten in if she had pursued it, but she withdrew herself from the waitlist after she accepted an offer of addmission from NYU. Best of luck... MB</p>

<p>I heard just the opposite, michaelburt. Maybe it's just really difficult for transfer students to get off the waitlist. I don't know about incoming freshmen. </p>

<p>Good luck taffy! I'm looking forward to going in the fall.</p>

<p>That's possible, but I'm at a school right down the road from VT. Out of the ~300 kids graduating from my highschool, about 25 are going to Tech, and about 5 of those directly from the waitlist. Sometimes they will waitlist you if you have poor midterm grades, but if you just bring your grades up and keep in contact with them, you have a solid shot.</p>

<p>michael, are you going to VT? If so, what are you majoring in?</p>

<p>actually I'm a junior, so take what I say with a grain of salt if you will, but I plan on applying next year to the corps of cadets majoring in economics. I've got like a million friends at Tech now majoring in marketing, veterenary sciences, math, and more.</p>

<p>I had friends in the Corps at A&M and they didn't really like it a whole lot. Maybe it's a little different at Tech. That's pretty awesome that you already have a ton of friends there. I only know one other girl and she was accepted as an incoming freshman. It's a little scary not knowing anyone, but I'm still looking forward to it. You said your high school is right down the road from Tech. Are you from Blacksburg? Is it a fun town?</p>

<p>Blacksburg is a pretty fun town, I actually live down the road in Roanoke where a lot of Tech kids come every weekend to hang out, but there is plenty to do in Blacksburg. It's definately a college town.</p>

<p>hehe i didnt know a 45 minute drive constitutes "down the road" in virginia :D</p>

<p>i guess i live down the road from san francisco, oakland, santa cruz, and san jose :)</p>

<p>yeah, technically i guess im down the road from Canada since you just jump on I-81 and you're there</p>

<p>I hav a question regarding this too. if you have a state scholarship, only usable in the same state you graduated from, and you do go to a state college; then you transfer to Vtech, you lose that scholarship don't you? So any out-of-state students how are you guys paying for VTech?</p>

<p>vt's only like 20,000 out of state so i didn't get any finaid and it was like the cheapest college i even applied too... but it was never about the money, i wanted to go where i would fit in and be happy... and so a state scholarship wouldn't work for me, because i didnt apply to any schools in my state (NJ)</p>