Do I have a chance? Out of state

I'd be so grateful for any input on my chances of acceptance to VT. Some parts of my profile are good, others so-so. I'm applying this fall for entry in 2013. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Weighted GPA 3.9
ACT 24
EC's (briefly):
Varsity sports/letter-will have done for 4 years upon graduation
Volunteer work, community improvement, earned $2000.00 for charity
Tutor for English as a second language
Photography club-leadership position</p>

<p>Academic awards: numerous. Will have 6 AP courses by graduation, I've taken 3 already and many honors courses.</p>

<p>Personal: Legacy (parent), Out-of-State, Under represented minority</p>

<p>Unless you’re engineering, which is more competitive, I think you look like a good candidate. What about this worries you? The ACT? You could re-take that in September if you want to try to boost it a little bit.</p>

<p>Hey, thank you for the reply wahoo. Yes, my ACT is obviously on the low side and I’ve taken it twice; if I super score it, then I have a 25. I doubt I’d do well on the SAT. I’m a little lacking in leadership positions, but I do have some.<br>
VT does seem to recognize legacy status, but I don’t know to what degree? But again, thanks for the encouragement.
Oh, forgot to say, my class rank is exactly at the 25% mark. So, I just need to apply and see what happens, though I’m definitely not going the engineering route.</p>