Chances at Wharton?

<p>Okay I got deferred SCEA at Yale but I wanted to know my chances at Wharton. </p>

<p>I'm a white male from MA. </p>

<p>GPA: 3.87 UW/school doesn't weight gpa's
Class rank 3/144
SAT: C.R. 710 Math 770 Writing 710 total 2190
Sat II: Math II 790 Chem 670 US Hist 690
AP Scores: 4 on Chem, US Hist, and English Language
Will take AP Calc, World hist, and English Lit next year </p>

4 year Varsity tennis player, 3 time league all-star and captain grade 12
4 year cross-country varsity runner, 2 year captain
Link Crew Leadership group, a freshmen orientation group
Class secretary for three years
C.A.R.E program- we mentor fifth-graders on good decision making
Concert Band- Saxophone section leader grade 12 </p>

<p>Work at a grocery store about 15 to 20 hours a week year round and used to referee girls' basketball</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: both very good, one from a math teacher stressing aptitude in math and leadership, the other from a history teacher stressing critical thinking skills and leadership</p>

<p>Essays- for the most part good</p>

<p>Hooks- not really, income below 60,000 don't know if that helps/hurts</p>

<p>last try, bumppp</p>

<p>Sir, you have a good chance.</p>

<p>Thanks, my major concern is not having any EC’s that have to do with business or anything like that. I’d feel more comfortable if i had some sort of internship or something</p>

<p>it’s all about leadership bro.</p>

<p>yeah I heard Wharton’s two biggest things were math and leadership.</p>