I'm a current junior at a private Catholic school in New York...
I was wondering if you guys could tell me my chance of getting into Cambridge University (my top choice!), University of Queensland (Australia), or Cornell University (and the University of Aberdeen (Scotland), the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Colorado State if you know anything about these) with a 96% overall average, extracurriculars :St. Vincent de Paul Society (volunteering) 2 yrs. Polish Culture Club (2 yrs), Student Council (1 yr so far) Speech and Debate (1 yr) I'm only a junior so add a year onto each of those extra curriculars. I am taking the SATs in November and hope to do well on that, as well as SAT II's in Chemistry, Biology (ecology), and Math II.</p>
<p>I am currently taking AP US History and have a 99 avg so far, and plan on doing well on the AP exam. In senior year I plan on taking AP Biology and AP Calculus, and obviously plan on doing well on those.
I also have interned for a week during the summer with this Environmental action program.
If you have any advice on how to improve my transcript please let me know.</p>
<p>BTW: I plan on majoring in Zoology and Veterinary Medicine.
Also, if you know of any other schools in England or the U.S. that have a good zoology program, it would be really helpful! </p>
<p>(Please let me know if this thread is supposed to be in International...I'm new to this sorry!)</p>