<p>I'm pretty nervous about the upcoming application season. My school just had an amazing application year (so many people got into HYP and other top schools)</p>
<p>Male Caucasian/Hispanic (cuban) - Going into Senior year, applying for fall 2010
UWGPA: 4.0
WGPA: I don't know
Class Rank: 10/630
SAT: 2200 (CR: 730 M:780 W:690[I was told not to retake, but I'm having second thoughts])
ACT: Taking in September. Hopefully 35 composite.
Bio M: 740
Math II: 800
American History: 800
Chem: 710 (taken in 9th grade, not too bad)</p>
<p>Freshmen Year Schedule (regents = regular, all freshman take them)
Regents Global
Regents English
Spanish 2
Honors Math AB (algebra)
Honors Chem
<p>Sophomore Year
AP Global
AP Physics
Honors English
Honors Math B
Honors Spanish 3
<p>Junior Year
AP American
AP Stat
AP English Lang
AP Bio
AP Spanish Lang
Honors Pre Calc</p>
<p>Senior Year
AP Euro
AP Calc BC
AP English Lit
AP Psych
AP Chem</p>
Volunteer down at Sunday School for local Temple
Co-founded School's Film Club
Volunteer down at Habitat for Humanity
Research at local hospital for two summers
Editor in Chief of literary magazine
President for 3 years of Science Olympiad, State recognized team + Individual Recognition
President Academic Team, Nationally Ranked Team + Individual Recognition
Played music for nine years. Play 4 different instruments. In band at school, as well as a local band. Played with school band at Carnegie Hall
Spent four years (summer and school year) taking private lessons
Two years teaching students to play clarinet + guitar
Junior Statesmen of America for 3 years, attempted to gain leadership position
National Honor Society - Running for Vice in fall
National Math Honor Society
National Spanish Honor Society
National Science Honor Society - Head of Community Service projects</p>
Stanford (my top, reach choice, applying early action)
U Chicago
and I'm still looking for 5 safety schools :(</p>
<p>I don’t think you need 5 safeties. It would be surprising to me if you didn’t get into NYU and Northwestern. I would choose one more school on this level, and maybe a good state school or a school where you have a shot at getting a fat scholarship, and call it a list. Also, keep in mind that you do have a shot at Stanford, so you shouldn’t worry too much about everything else until that app is done and perfect.</p>
<p>Excellent grades, good SAT (could be higher), great SAT IIs, rigorous course load, excellent ECs</p>
<p>Stanford- reach (it is for everyone. bring up the SAT, and your chances aren’t bad)
U Chicago- match
Northwestern- low match
Columbia- low reach
NYU- safety
Cambridge- high match</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. I’ll chance you back closetpoet.
Five safety schools is just our school’s recommended number. I know I don’t need 5.</p>
<p>Two Questions: should I sign up for the SATs again even though I’m taking the ACT in the fall? My counselor told me not to, but what does she know anyway :P?</p>
<p>thefool: Would Carnegie Mellon be considered “on the same level” as Northwestern and NYU? I’m going to visit and I was considering applying.</p>
<p>heyy fellow new yorker!
ure stats and everything are pretty impressive and when I tell you not to retake the SATs, I mean it just concentrate on the ACTs like I am–actually in my opinion you probably don’t even need the ACTs because you have a 2200 so whoever said your SATs could be higher, disregard it, its more discouraging then is needed haha</p>
<p>Now I want to say “reach” for all your schools just becaue they are all insanely hard to get into (even though you should apply because you can definitely get into more than a few of them) but here is what I would say:</p>
<p>Stanford–reach for anyone
U Chicago-low match
Northwestern-low match
Columbia–reach for anyoe
Cambridge–probably in</p>
<p>as for safeties, considering you are a new yorker from your regents, I would say def apply to Bing and Buff – you’ll get in withut questions asked, maybe even full ride to Buffalo because I know they are more into scholarships than Bing is, I would say Geneseo but I hear bad things about the social life there</p>
<p>Yeah I was thinking Bimghamton (they’re restructuring their program, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem getting in) and Buffalo (just about everyone I talk to at my school says they got in with basically a free ride), but I seriously don’t think I’d want to go to either unless I got rejected from everywhere (I suppose it’s possible).
Thanks, I’ll chance anyone back if you post a link.</p>
<p>Stanford’s a reach, Chicago and Northwestern are low matches, Columbia’s a high match, NYU is a high safety/low match. Cambridge, however, is another story. It’s a high reach for anyone because of the intensity of the application process. The procedure involves several rounds of interviews as well as certain requirements with AP scores and grades for all applicants. Good luck! I’m sure you’ll end up somewhere where you will be happy!</p>
<p>You have one of the best shots at SU that I’ve ever seen on this board.
Keep up the good work You’ll have a successful college life. Unlike me. </p>