Chances??? Can Asian Male RD

<p>Asian male from Windsor Ontario Canada
Honor roll student: A average (80%+) for every year of high school
Special honor roll student: (90%+) for grade 10
Taken every enriched/gifted course offered (projected enriched credits: 20)
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, English; working knowledge in French</p>

waiting, took december administration
Math IIC 800 Physics 760 Chemistry 730</p>

<p>My essays are going well, I'm still editing</p>

<p>Averages (Marks from our school are deflated and the schools know it because every year, we have at least 3 people going to Ivy or Psuedo-Ivy, so our marks are increased by 10% automatically)</p>

<p>Nine: 87% (A)
Ten: 92% (A)
Eleven: 87% (A)
Current marks: 89% (A)</p>

<p>English Enriched: 77% (B+)
French Enriched: 88% (A)
Chemistry Enriched: 97% (A+)
Physics Enriched: 79% (B+) (highly deflated)
Biology Enriched: 85% (A)
Calculus Enriched: 96% (A+)
Geometry and Discrete: 94% (A)
Computer Science: 95% (A+)</p>

<p>Competitions: (at least top 10% on all national contests)
AMC: 123
ARML participant all 4 years. Massey Ontario A ranked 15th in North America against big state all star teams. Individual medallist.
COMC: 64
Euclid: 73
York Science Olympiad Team finish 3rd in province
Great Lakes Science Olympiad Team finish 1st overall 1st in Bio 1st in Chem
Sir Isaac Newton Contest: 97%ile
Avogadro Contest: 97%ile</p>

Competitive Swimming, high school team, travel team
15+ hours/wk spread over 8 practices
Club Record Holder in two events
Southwestern Ontario regional champion in two events
City Champion in one event
Provincial Qualifier</p>

<p>School Clubs:
Debate team
Science club
Robotics team
Night math participant
Sunday math participant (by invitiation, ARML team is selected from this pool)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Chef's assistant at Chinese restaurant on saturdays for 5hr/wk</p>

<p>Personal Circumstances:
Currently living alone, parents working in other cities, does this kinda count as hook?</p>

<p>'cmon, chances for me?</p>

<p>GPA is still kind of low, what's your rank? Everything else seems pretty impressive. You'd have a good shot if your GPA was higher.</p>

<p>Our school doesn't rank. But mark wise, I might be 10/300</p>

<p>York Science Olympiad?
is that the event at York University? if it is, then it's not worth mentioning, you know it's pretty useless, mostly luck and the whole thing is chaotic and winning is based very little on intelligence (just a reminder, don't put trivial activities on apps)</p>

<p>i wish you best of luck, i think you deserve to get in :) (but too bad i am not an admission officer :(, b/c if i were, i would have gotten myself in :))</p>

<p>like newbyre said, we are not admin officers. But I think you will get in, your grades and EC are very solid. People in CC are always pessimistic!! just ignore them. good luck, it looks like Dartmouth is not your first choice anyway :o!</p>