<p>I want to go for my BSN and have been attending a community college for the last two years.
My GPA hasn't been so great (more like its been terrible) and I was wondering how my chances were to getting into either school.</p>
<p>So far I've taken
English 1(AP credit)-no grade
English 2(AP credit)-no grade
Bio 1(prereq)-B
Government 1(prereq)-A
History 1(prereq)-A
College Algebra(prereq)-B
Bio 2-B
British Literature-A</p>
<p>Overall GPA at this time is around a 3.2
FYI-I still have another year at the CC (another 34 credits left). Will probably boost GPA to 3.6 max</p>
<p>As you can see the my prereq classes are pretty much Bs not counting the easy classes such as history, gov, etc.</p>
<p>Is it safe to say that UT isn't really going to care about my A's I've received in classes like BCIS but be more focused on my prereqs? If so, does having a B average on my prereqs destroy my chances of acceptance?</p>
<p>I've been lazy the past couple years but I'm pretty confident I will work harder. If you actually look at my transcript I've been progressively been taking more hours and have been receiving better grades. Will UT or any other school recognize this? Will UT really care about the C I received in economics? If so, should i retake to try and make up for it? Any classes you would recommend my retaking if any?</p>
<p>From reading around the internet, seems like my chances into UT Austin are very slim, are my chances the same for Houston? Can any provide info on UT Houstin's acceptance rate (I can't find any)</p>
<p>Last, any other universities that I can probably aim for rather than these two with my GPA in mind?</p>
<p>Had the following school in mind
A&M CC, A&M Prairie View, SFA, Texas Tech, UT Arlington, TWU <- any of these actually decent for nursing? I know they all have nursing schools but are they really decent schools?</p>
<p>Thanks for reading my long first post! Can't wait to hear responses, even thought my hopes are pretty low.</p>