Chances Engineering

<p>Hey guys here are my stats for early decision to VT or regular decision to clemson for ENGINEERING!! from Northern Virginia</p>

<p>GPA: 3.83 W; with 4.08 W GPA junior year
SAT:1280, 650 Math, 630 Reading, will take SAT again in october
Schedule: Lots of honors classes including all honors maths throughout
AP World - 4
AP US - 3
AP Computer Science - 4
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C
AP Statistics
AP Government
Honors Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II and Precalc</p>

<p>Captain of the Varsity Tennis Team
State Finalist for DECA
VP of Spanish Club
Sister is all A student at VT</p>

<p>Chances?!? Will Chance back!</p>

<p>Have a good safety school. Take this with a grain of salt but I’d say you’re a reach, especially from NoVa.</p>

<p>You will definitely get into VT, and I’d say you have an awesome chance for Engineering. Couldn’t tell you if you would get in early admission…but definitely regular.</p>

<p>Hmm… respected VT poster who graduated from engineering or somebody with 3 posts? I’d go with what Chuy said. You definitely have a shot but I’d get a safety because its not shoo in.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance of getting in. what’s your class rank? if there is a lot of competition between your classmates, mayb u need to improve ur scores. if ur in the top 5-10% then u have a good chance. </p>

<p>Please chance me back: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Why do people ask for others to “chance them back?” Isn’t someone asking their chances of getting into a school the last person that would know yours?</p>


<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>you’ll probably be a shoo-in for the general school, but engineering is iffy. BRING UP YOUR MATH SAT!!! 730+ will help you a ton!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say shoo-in. VT is probably a match for you in a not as competitive major, but the combination of engineering and (especially) NOVA is going to push your chances down a bit.</p>

<p>thanks guys! really appreciate it! I hope to improve my math scores on this coming SAT. Im dieing to be a hokie!!</p>

<p>ended up getting into engineering and honors program so you doubters can suck it</p>

<p>Congratulations! Will you be attending VT?</p>

<p>Based on your post dtd 12/10/10 (regarding ED decisions) I think Chuy was correct in suggesting you have a backup…

Also, it appears that you did retake the SAT and raised your score to a 1330, so the score you were eventually admitted with, after your initial deferral, was not the score the above posters were commenting on. What you asked for was ‘chances’ based on statistics that changed. The responses you got were not that far off the mark.</p>

<p>Posting this update can be helpful for prospective applicants who may search the forums and have similar stats. Thanks for letting everyone know the good news. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I’m not sure I understand the huffy report on the final resolution regarding your application. Chuy et al indicated that your chances were “iffy” and that seems to be spot on for someone who was put on the waiting list. Congrats on being admitted. If you attend you should show VT that you deserved to be selected early, i.e, become a stellar engineering student.</p>