Chances for a cultural half breed?

<p>I came to th US in my sophomore year from Argentina.Although both my parents are Taiwanese, I was born in Argentina and lived there my entire life (15+ years) before coming to the US. </p>

<p>About my current High School:
public, not too competitive HS at San Diego, California.
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.6 W (10th to 11th cummulative).
rank: top 1%</p>


<p>Honors Intermediate Algebra, A
Chemistry Honors - A
PE 10 -A
English 10 - A
AP Spanish Language - A
World History - A</p>

<p>Junior :</p>

<p>Honors American Lit - A
AP Calculus AB - A
AP US History - A
AP Chemistry - A
AP Psychology -A
AP Biology- A</p>

<p>Senior year:</p>

<p>Math 150 (College Calculus)
AP Government/Economics
AP English
AP Physics C
AP Spanish Literature
*so far in the progress reports are As
(also plan to take AP Chinese by May)</p>

<p>Testing scores:
SAT: 2000 MATH: 680 READING: 700 WRITING: 620 </p>

<p>SAT II: Chinese:800 Math IIC:800 Bio:730 US Hist: 630</p>

SAN DIEGO TEACHING ACADEMY:Teacher assistant-child care and children’s Chinese tutoring in writing, speaking and reading. </p>

<p>COMMUNITY LIBRARY: Librarian assistant-organization of books, videos and DVDs &supervision of computers</p>

<p>MIRAMESA HIGH MAIN OFFICE -Office assistant</p>

<p>Physics Club- president
SPEECH AND DEBATE-vice president
ACADEMIC LEAGUE-key science player
CALIFORNIA MATH TEAM-key participant
PRE-MED CLUB- member
CHESS CLUB-member</p>

<p>Other info:
I'm fluent (speak, read & write) in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Taiwanese. I can also understand some French and Latin (took 2 years before coming to the US)
I'm afraid the absence of freshmen grade will affenct me badly.
Money for college is a big problem; my family has 6 members and the household income is less than 20,000. </p>

<p>These are my college list:
-UC Berkeley
-U Penn
-Rice University
-Georgetown U
-Chicago U
-Washington in St. Louis
-UC Davis
-UC Irvine
-UC Santa Barbara</p>

<p>I'm looking for a urban setting, medium-large sized co-ed college. Preferrably close to NY city.</p>

<p>If anymore information is needed for determining the chances, please do ask.
Chances?? should I move around some of the colleges? Should I drop some of the high reach colleges? Should I add more reach & insurance colleges?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!</p>

<p>do you have any sort of hours log and explanation of what some of ur ECs are? also ap scores are helpful</p>

<p>but i wouldnt worry about no freshman year scores, thats not something you exactly had control over anyway</p>

<p>but as it stands, with a 2000 SAT (though mathII was a 800?) you dont exactly wow the crowd at the ivies and other top schools, but if you want to be close to NYC, i would take a chance at columbia, if you can show that you can compete legitimately. i wouldnt worry too much about financial aid, youll get enough to go to college somewhere, even if it isnt that #1 school, it will be somewhere great, so dont worry about that. but watch with NYU, they dont give that great of financial aid, and it costs a pretty large amount of money to live in the city. so be careful. otherwise look at some matches in the NE area, not just reaches and safeties. good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks!! courtjestr19!! </p>

<p>I'm not sure about my last SAT I score... had a bad day? such a shameful Math 680 after getting 800 in Math 2C .... I'm taking the December SAT, just to give myself another chance.
By the way, the percentlie for that 680 Math in SAT I was 91%, it seems unusually high for such a low score...</p>

<p>My hours approximatedly is only 60 so far. I started late, so I don't have much... (minus points for ivies :/ )</p>

<p>AP sccores:</p>

<p>AP Spanish Language - 5
AP Calculus AB - 5
AP US History - 4
AP Chemistry - 3
AP Psychology -5
AP Biology- 5</p>

<p>You have great shot at all the UCs, but you will e in the over crowded Asian pool at the ivies and ivy calibre schools, and your SATs are very low in that group.</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCSD: Safe Match
UCI/UCD/UCSB: Safety</p>