Chances for admission to honors college?

<p>Please note that I am currently taking the hardest course load possible.</p>

<p>I went to a day school (ranked number 1 day school in the Southwest) for 2 years of high school. Freshman and sophomore year. I was extremely unhappy there and my grades suffered as a result. All classes there are considered “honors”, even though they are much harder.</p>

<p>Freshman Year: I took 6 classes. I received 2 Ds, 5 Cs, 3 Bs, and 2 As. Sophomore year, I took 6 classes first semester and then dropped advanced photography second semester due to an unfair teacher that harassed the male students. I received 4 Bs and 2 Cs first semester and 3 Bs and 2 Cs second semester.</p>

<p>I now switched to a public school where I am taking the IB Program. I currently have 3 As, 2 Bs, and 1 C. I can probably raise one of the Bs to an A and one of the Cs to a B. I received a 205 on my PSAT sophomore year, but I did not feel I did well this year. I was feeling horrible on the day I took it.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars include the following:
Freshman Year: Ultimate Frisbee Club (Every Friday), SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving), The Radical (Math Newspaper), B’nai Tzedek (Jewish Youth Philanthropy Organization with 200 kids.)
Sophomore Year: All of the clubs from Freshman year and I joined a Jewish Youth Organization called BBYO. I am now on the board for my chapter as the treasurer and secretary.
Junior Year: DECA (Business Organization. I am confident I can place top 3 in the state and do well at nationals. I am currently writing a 30 page international business plan), B’nai Tzedek (I am now on board for it and I was elected to the executive board as in charge of publicity), Invisible Children (I go on occassion. Not that involved.), Math Olympiad (I go on occassion. Not that involved.), Tutoring (For free.)
Senior Year: I will hopefully be doing the extracurriculars that I am currently doing along with National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society. I couldn’t join those this year because my GPA was not a 3.5. :confused: I also plan to try to hold down a job or internship as well.</p>

<p>I have been taking practice SAT tests. I receive on average 750 on Math, 700 on Writing, and 580 on Reading (hate it.)</p>

<p>I really enjoy math and business, along with economics.</p>

<p>The college rep from UA assigned to your high school should be very helpful with this answer. </p>

<p>They will look at your overall application: difficulty of courselaod, application essay, your SAT scores (add a great ACT score if it helps), your unweighted GPA, your weighted GPA, and don't forget, also your core academic GPA. I don't recall them saying they looked at ECs when we spoke, but if they see you handle ECs and have great grades, that certainly has to impress them. They might because I know they like to look at the entire student when considering whether they can handle the Honors College. Also, keep in mind a lot of students are accepted into the Honors College quite easily after they attend UA one semester and meet the required GPA. Good luck....we could use another great economist right about now!</p>

<p>If you have an IB program at your HS, I'm sure you must have a great college counselor at your school as well. That counselor and UA's assigned college rep for your school will be more than happy to tell you more about the Honors College. They LOVE knowing students are goal-orientedforward-thinkers like yourself. Good luck!</p>