Chances for the honors college?

<p>I am applying to the honors college, and would like to know what you guys think, whether i can get in or not</p>

<p>SAT: 1810 (CR: 580, M: 670, Writing:560)</p>

<p>GPA: Weighted-3.63

<p>I have ran Cross Country for 3 years, and am now the captain of my team.</p>

<p>I have about 95 hours of community service</p>

<p>I’m not quite sure how selective it actually is…I’d be willing to bet they accept anyone who applies just so they can get an honors fee out of them. I checked the “No” box to apply for Honors College yet still got “You’ve been accepted into the honors college” with my acceptance letter.</p>

<p>Honest opinion…I’m 2 credits away from finishing the honors portion of my degree. There’s nothing really challenging at all about honors classes…in fact they’re somewhat easier than the regular sections since the professors don’t bother you with busy work and give you the benefit of the doubt for stuff (I didn’t do any readings in a TRAD but still aced the course).</p>

<p>ya, i understand. but even though some classes were easier than if u had taken them without honors, isn’t it better to graduate with honors, rather than just graduate from the regular college?</p>

<p>When I was applying for internships last year, I got the feeling that companies see “Honors College” and gloss right over. I don’t really blame them since there’s no “technical” honors courses around here (few and far between) and thus ENGL 101 H doesn’t really mean a whole lot when you’re applying for an engineering internship. The truth is employers really just want to see a high GPA, relevant coursework, and your class standing (junior/senior) and everything else is secondary on your resume.</p>

<p>I’m really only doing honors because a) a massive scholarship is dependent on it b) it’ll say “Honors” on my diploma; which makes me feel just a little tiny bit of pride even with all I said above.</p>

<p>As for other perks like priority registration…it still didn’t guarantee I got some of the gen eds that I wanted.</p>

<p>So in summary I’d say just do it but don’t care too much if you get kicked out, because it’s not the end of the world :)</p>