Chances for admission?

Hi there, I’m a current senior from Portland, Oregon and I’m planning on applying early action for UW-Madison. Can someone tell me how likely it is that I’ll be admitted? Here are my stats/extracurriculars:
3.81 GPA (nice upward trend in grades, I got straight As junior year)
1200 SAT
National Charity League’s Senior Class President for the Portland Chapter
I’ve been taking Arabic since 6th grade and I’m enrolled in IB Arabic 9-10 this year
Vice President of my school’s drama department
Took 4.5 IB classes last year (english, math, arabic, film, psychology), taking 3 this year

Thanks so much!

Decent chance. Your test score is low relative to your grades. You indicate rigor and the ability to do well. This is important- you likely would succeed at UW. Look at the required/recommended classes taken lists- be sure you meet criteria. You might not get in if there are more students with better credentials who apply- but that’s life.

You need to realize that “early action” is merely an early notification where many still need to wait and be included with those who apply after the first deadline. Do apply- you can’t get in if you don’t apply.

1200 SAT is low. 1300 puts you lower than 75% percent of last years class per Common Data Set. Non-Wisconsin resident doesn’t help

Remember that 25% will be lower than most but still accepted. Stellar grades mean a lot, especially with rigorous coursework.