Chances for An African American


<p>Im a senior at a Wisconsin highschool and recently I was accepted to Madison. A classmate at my school recently approached me and asked me if he thought he could get in.</p>

<p>He is black
29 on ACT
2.8-3.0 GPA
Outstanding track/cross coutry achievement
Mediocre letters of recom.
Decent Personal Statment</p>

<p>I told him probably no, but I don't know the whole affirmative action/minority policy the school has. </p>

<p>Does anyone else have an opinion?</p>


<p>do you know why he would probably get in?</p>

<p>Figure it out Einstein.</p>

<p> need to be a prick about it</p>

<p>Please the UW-Madison board is going nuts recently, let us be calm and peaceful- no fighting or I must ask a moderator to control this section of the board. Barron's really wasn't or didn't mean to be a prick about it, if you read you heading "Chances for An African American" and know anything about UW-Madison's ethnicity policy which in recent years has been national news and as a Wisconsin student if you did not know that, I believe you will have understood why he said what he did. To him is was common sense, but for you, I guess it was not. And if this post was in all seriousness and you really were asking for help, I bet he is deeply sorry about it. So that ends all the scrutiny and critcism.</p>

<p>I believe the notion of heading a post with "chances for an african american" is awkward and strange within itself. Furthermore, I think a 29 ACT is pretty good regardless and with his athletics im sure he would get in. Does race help? yes, but that doesnt mean he wouldnt have a chance otherwise.</p>

<p>im black and i got in with a 3.4w w/ a few ap's and a college course, 30 act, 1950 sat, national achievement, lots of track awards etc....</p>

<p>Notice I said I "[didn't] know the whole affirmative action/minority policy the school has." I was expecting to get helpful responses...not criticism. I do know he has a chance....eveyone has a "chance" but obviously some have better chances then others. So "thank-you" terrybhs06 and others for your helpful response. </p>

<p>Barrons, do me a favor and don't bother responding next time if all you can say is useless spam. The forum is not about accumulating the most posts...</p>

<p>If you live in Wiconsin and know nothing of UW's efforts to recruit minorities I suggest you subscribe to a newspaper or at least read their website.</p>

<p>He sounds like he has excellent chances. 29 is sufficiently above the school average, and the university loves athlete applicants. Admission is also somewhat less competitive for Wisconsin residents.</p>

<p>Data on 2005 entering class</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>there are no black people in wisconsin, he'll get in. The university has publicly stated its trying to increase its diversity, anyoen who isn't white has a better chance than anyone who is.</p>