Chances for an awesome native american

<p>Plllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease chance meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rank: 1/934
GPA: 5.87
SAT: 36
ACT: 2400
SAT IIs: Math II--> 800, Physics-->800, Chemistry-->800, Korean-->790 :(
National Merit Scholarship WINNER.
Academic Decathalon Individual State Champion 2006-2008, 2007 Intercollegiate Pokemon Tournament Master Champion, varsity squash team (and I do NOT mean the gourd), High School Twilight Club Founder and President, Regional NCL President, Daughter of the American Revolution, State Science Olympiad Champion 2006-2008, Swahili Honors Society, founder and chairman of the African AIDS Research Coalition Fund, worked on volunteer project building houses in Tanzania for 2 summers.</p>

<p>I've also taken 10 AP exams and made 5's on all of them. </p>

<p>I'm the first generation in my family going to college. Member of the Choctaw Nation.
Applying Harvard Yale Princeton MIT Dartmouth Columbia and Brown is my safetyyyyyy. :D</p>


<p>aww, ■■■■■■ are so sad…</p>

<p>Nat’l Merit winners haven’t even been announced yet, sweetie.</p>

<p>Ummm yeah but I’m a semifinalist and I’m like 10000000% positive I’ll win. My hs counselor told me so.</p>

<p>lol this is sad</p>

<p>“2007 Intercollegiate Pokemon Tournament Master Champion”</p>



<p>HOW Funny.</p>

<p>Maybe you should consider a career in stand-up comedy.</p>

<p>“Ummm yeah but I’m a semifinalist and I’m like 10000000% positive I’ll win.”</p>

<p>win? um… no, it’s called finalist…</p>


<p>Swahili <em>and</em> Korean. Hmmm…</p>

<p>rejected because of your low SAT scores! I got a 2400 in 4th grade and i didnt even study for it and I also took 35 AP’s (cramming the day before) for a 5 before I entered highschool!</p>

<p>I mean, what do people get out of this?^^</p>

<p>Hmm. I think your SAT score of 36 is a bit too low.</p>