Chances for any uc's?

<p>in state
750 hours of hospital community service
3.59 w gpa</p>

<p>*** and....
have taken a bunch of AP CLASSES
bio/public health major

<p>You'll get into UCM, UCR, and UCSC.</p>

<p>And if you can bring your SAT up, then you'll have a shot at UCI, UCSB, and UCD.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Ya, as of now you have a good chance at UCM, UCR, and UCSC. but bring up those SATs the mid tiers are possible too</p>

<p>what kind of sat scores do i need for mid tiers? (ucd,ucsb,uci,etc) THANKS!!</p>

<p>About a 1900-2000 with your GPA</p>

<p>Actually, you don't need to raise your SAT, to be honest. She posted more details about herself in a thread in Davis's forums, stating that she is 1st gen and low income. UCs takes tons of those students, regardless of SATs.</p>

<p>And a 3.6 isn't low for Davis, Santa Barbara or Irvine.</p>

<p>seriously.... this girl i know who's dumb as hell (i think she got like 1500 on her sat's) got into ucsd cause she was low income and first generation college student, so i'm sure you'll get into at least one of the mid tiers.</p>