Chances for Davenport/Dean's Scholarship?

<p>Going into engineering for sure, don't know what kind</p>

<p>Ethnicity: White
Gender: FEMALE
High School: Public in NC (9-10), public boarding school (considered public elite) (11-12)</p>

<p>AP – AP Calc AB (5), AP environmental science (4), will take AP Chem, AP Microecon, AP Comp Sci
The coursework at my current school is pretty advanced so junior year I took multivariable calc, combinatorics and game theory, molecular and cell biology, Spanish II and some more basic courses. Next year I’m taking astrophysics, galaxies and cosmology, number theory, graph theory, mathematical modeling, complex systems I and II, biomedical instrumentation, two english classes, and the APs listed above (we take 15 classes a year). </p>

<p>GPA (at 1st school) – weighted: 4.75, unweighted: 4.0. Rank:1/341
GPA (current) – weighted: 5.35 (it’ll go up), we don’t have unweighted GPAs, but I’ve only made 1 B+ and the rest were As so around 3.93. No ranking system.
SAT- CR=620 W=630 M=760 = 2010
SAT 2 – will take math II and physics</p>

- I'm doing a mentorship at Duke for most of the next school year in biomedical/chemical engineering. I might also work in the lab a few weeks this summer. I'll be doing my own project that ties into a larger project.
- This summer, I'm doing an astronomy program through UNC. I am the only HS student, the rest are undergrads. We're observing using a radio telescope basically to investigate the field and get some research experience.
-Student Ambassador, 150ish hours
-physics teacher's assistant, selected based on physics aptitude and responsibility
-varisty softball (4 years)
-softball captain next year
-varsity swimming (4 years)
-travel softball, 2 years (state champions, competed in nationals)
-freshman and sophomore class president
-black belt in tae kwon do
-french horn, 6 years
-marching band, 2 years
-mellophone section leader and soloist, 10th grade
-teen volunteer at local hospital, 300+ hours
-habitat for humanity
-qualified for the AIME this year
-math club, 2 years
-I’ve done some math competitions, but I’ve never placed
-prom committee
-junior marshal
-FCA, 2 years
-Student council, 2 years
-National merit
-working on starting a club next year, but haven’t gotten everything together
-One of my recs will be awesome, the other will be pretty good
-I'll have good supplementary recs too, one from my mentor at Duke hopefully</p>

<p>Your chances will be low simply due to the number of applicants for the limited number of scholarships. Your SAT scores of 1380 are low compared to the average 1494 of the scholarship recipients but you do have a strong GPA and extracurriculars. From the VA Tech website:</p>

<p>How many applicants typically apply?</p>

<p>Between 1,000 - 1,100.</p>

<p>How many Dean’s Scholarships/Davenport Leadership scholarships are awarded each year?</p>

<p>Between 15—25 Dean’s Scholar offers are made annually, and between 4—8 Davenport Leadership offers are made. The number is dependent upon the number of continuing awardees annually.</p>

<p>What type of applicant typically receives the scholarship?</p>

<p>Successful applicants have strong academic credentials, outstanding community service (including both paid and/or unpaid volunteer or employment experience), and demonstrated leadership potential.</p>

<p>What are the typical stats on recipients?</p>

<p>SAT scores typically range from 1110 to 1600 with an average around 1494. GPA’s typically average above a 4.0. Note: Strength of schedule as well as variation of GPA calculation methods within different school systems are taken into account during the selection process.</p>

<p>It is highly competitive. My son was accepted to the Honors college and offered honors housing this year, however was turned down for the Dean’s/Davenport. No big surprise as there are a lot of deserving students. He eventually chose to attend another university.</p>

<p>To give you an idea of what they are looking for this is what was included in the letter from VT to the students who were not selected this year:


<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Definitely agree with the other posters! Although, you should still apply for the scholarship, but I also suggest you find some other private scholarships (ask your high school counselor- they should have a list of them that would a lot easier to earn!)</p>

<p>As for the scholarship, I applied for it last year and did not get it. I worked for months on the application and essays, and I believe I had great stats: 35 ACT, 4.0 UW GPA, 4.4 W GPA, 12 AP classes, and many varsity sports and other clubs.</p>

<p>Don’t be discouraged by this, but make sure you look for other scholarships as well!</p>

<p>Best of luck</p>

<p>I also applied for the scholarship, and of course I did not get it. Unlike you, however, my credentials were pretty lousy: a 4.0 GPA weighted (roughly 3.5 unweighted), 1430 math/cr SAT, and virtually no legitimate extracurriculars other than NHS (which I later got kicked out of for being lazy). Fortunately, I won the Presidential Campus Enrichment Grant instead, and it turns out that all of the aid I’m getting is need-based.</p>

<p>Basically, listen to what the above posters have said; your chances are low, but you should apply anyway because you never know. I suggest improving your SAT scores a bit. Though with your credentials, it seems to me that you’re at least considering some other top colleges…right?</p>