Chances for Davis, Berkeley, and UCLA

Out of state… not sure what my UC GPA is, but my unweighted GPA is 3.96 with a bunch of honors and concurrent enrollment classes.
ACT: 35
SAT II: Math 800, Chem 790
6 AP tests → AP Scholar w Distinction

Summer research internship at a local university-worked for 8 weeks
Peer tutor- mainly in math, I’m also a TA in the calc class.
English tutor- freshman and sophomore year summers, I went abroad and taught english for about 2 weeks
Student council- we plan school activities (mainly dances) and run service projects for the school/community
Library volunteer- 200 hours, all 4 years
Orchestra- 1st violin, 4 years

Awards… nothing major… probably my weakest area
AP Scholar w Distinction
National Merit Commended
and some small school awards given by teachers

I’m probably gonna be paying full tuition since I’m OOS but is worth applying to these schools and would I have a decent chance at them?

Yes, you will not get any funding from the State of California.
If your parents can afford $60K per year for a public school, then you should VISIT before you pay the money. You will have some classes that are huge.
As an OOS student, your chances are not prioritized. Paying full fees doesn’t make for a stronger candidate.
Sorry, but your EC’s are not strong.

None of your OOS Honors courses will count towards your UC GPA, but your DE courses will get weighted. The UC’s use only 10-11th grades for their a-g course requirements to determine their GPA. As an OOS applicant, you get extra honors points for AP/IB and DE courses taken 10-11th grades only. Senior grades are not considered for admissions decisions. The capped weighted UC GPA is determined with only 8 semesters of weighted classes, while the Fully weighted UC GPA will take unlimited weighted classes.

Use this UC GPA calculator:

Also you need to meet all the a-g course requirements for the UC’s including the 1 year of a Visual/Performing Arts course.

You are definitely a competitive applicant so if your parents have no problem paying $240K for the 4 years at the UC’s, then UC Davis will be a solid Match. UCLA and UCB are always tough admits but you are in the running.