Chances for E/A/C/SPS/D

<p>Well just for reference, the SAT scores in the admissions portion of the website is my friend's.</p>

<p>Now for mine</p>

<p>Verbal 92% 749
Math 99% 800
Reading (A failure) 77% -.- 687 or so
Percentile 95%</p>

<p>Ok this is my story.
I already did my interviews except for Deerfield., and all but andover went well.
Choate/SPS/ and Exeter really seemed to be into me.
I'm nearly finished with my application process, and already did my Rec's</p>

<p>Don't say this is cheating, because i didn't ask, my teacher just showed me her recs.
It was amazing :]
like all 1st row check marks except 2~3
My math teacher's was all 1st row check marks with amazing rec's.</p>

<p>My EC's</p>

<p>Piano 8years
Violin 2years
National Junior Honor Society 1.5years
Student council 4years
Current treasurer for SC
Swimming for 1.5years
Squash and Racquetball 2years. won an award at the gym for best in age group ㅠ.ㅠ
Speak fluent Korea, and English
Korean and living in Texas.
All A's since 6th grade
Really decent/good essays.
No alumni's though.
Take spanish for 2years.
Rank is 2nd in school and only person applying from my district.
yea... pretty much it</p>

<p>Applying for freshman year.</p>

<p>bump :] ahahahaa</p>

<p>Either your teacher isn’t qualified and can’t read for her life or you’re lying.</p>

<p>Have you gone for your tours and interviews yet? If so how were they?</p>

<p>well, i did my interviews, and i cant do tours cause im poor xD
well im not lying, im actually amazing at math and grammar
in the Duke tip (im not lying) i scored a 770, and a 780 resptively on the SAT</p>

<p>Yep, we’re all jealous of your illustrious academic career and clearly gargantuan intellect. Now go brag to people who care, maybe your parents</p>

<p>im not trying to be a F**?</p>

<p>If it’s real, IMO your in. =)</p>

<p>krnboyx (something I forgot how to spell your name)- I think you took my comment wrongly, but whatever.</p>

<p>TomtheCat- It’s not that amazing, only typical (hey my teacher can get a 800 on comprehension passages in the SAT’s without actually reading them but he’s a loser, a hermit, and a virgin), now if this person could shoot three-pointers from the opposite side of the basketball court and posted a video on here on it, that would count as flaunting (but pretty damn cool).</p>


<p>fellow KOREAN…& younger than me…crapp -> major competition!!!</p>

<p>im scared.
& jealous of your stats…</p>

<p>WATCH YOUR BACK :smiley: </p>

<p>just kidding!!! (or maybe…)</p>


<p>ahaha, so many koreans applying :]
but do u guys really think i have a chance?
and if i did, how big do u think that chance is?</p>

<p>ohhhhhhhh, for u fellow koreans,
if you guys know what KSEA is
its a huge math competition for koreans
and i got 1st place on it for North Texas
and the president of KSEA congratulated me
on winning :]</p>

<p>to leekleek13,
im sorry, but would u mind
explaining what you meant then?</p>


<p>just kidding</p>

<p>Wow: You’re definitely qualified. I think you’d make an ideal candidate: great SSAT scores, solid ECs (although those “and a half” parts sound sort of awkward), good interviews (?). You stand a solid chance, for sure, but these schools are sort of the Ivies of Boarding Schools, so they’re seriously unpredictable. IMO you’ll definitely get in at LEAST 1, and I wouldn’t be suprised if more, ahahaa. </p>

<p>One thing you ARE lacking in is regional/national award, but I’m quite sure your ECs/SSATs make up for those, sooo…
Good luck! x</p>

<p>EDIT: Oh, whoops: You actually did win some sort of KSEA award? Haha, I didn’t catch that. Then I’d say you’re perfectly set to go, lol. Good luck, again. xD</p>

<p>ahaha seriously?
well thanks ; sooo im guessing
from these posts that the 77%
wont really hurt me? and i know what
u mean :] my sister got rejected from
princeton, but got into harvard with
a 2380 x]</p>

<p>did i also mention that i do volunteer hours
for fun at the library helping out, and reading
to children?</p>


<p>Please explain to me why we need to win national awards.</p>

<p>u most deff have a chance…more than i do 2…stop worrying lols…</p>

<p>you already took the SATs? my choice or b/c your parents made you? (i know how it feels, trust me :O)</p>

<p>strange as it may sound, i chose
to go to boarding school, study, take
SAT classes and etc. etc.</p>

<p>@ leekleek123:
it’s not really a prerequisite. but then again, awards sort of “polish” and make your application really dazzle: because in a way, you’re selling yourself to the boarding school. you’re making them try to take you in, and in order to that, you should try to impress them. Awards are just prestigious and they look great on applications, so … i’m not saying it’s needed. i’m sure lots and lots of ivy leaguers and other high achievers with lots of accomplishment haven’t gotten awards, but it just looks good to the admissions offices, i think.</p>

<p>i hope i didn’t come off as snobbish when i said awards were good, i was just stating that they were helpful! sorry if i came off as rude and such … D:</p>