<p>Thought I would re-post for anyone who didn't see it before...Need HELP!</p>
<p>African American Male
First Generation College Student
Single Parent Household with a dad with an interesting past. Low income. 2nd Largest High School in the State of Florida.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.3 UW
4.0 Weighted</p>
<p>SAT's: CR:540
Math: 590</p>
<p>Plan on taking SAT II's in:
American History
Mathematics Level I</p>
<p>class rank: top 40% percent (out of 1100 students)</p>
<p>AP Scores:
AP Comparative Government and Politics: 1
AP American History: 4
AP European History: 3
AP Lang: 2
AP Psych: 2
AP Human Geography: 2
Currently Taking
AP Lit
AP Environmental
AP Macroeconomics
AP American Government</p>
Over 300 Hours of Community Service
SGA (4 Years)
-Freshman/Sophomore Class Representative
-Junior Class President
-Student Body President (currently)
-Student Body Senator
Interact Club (1 yr.)
-Community Service Liaison
-Principal Violist (1 yr.)
- Assistant Principal Violist (3 yrs.)
- Orchestra Secretary
- Selected for the Orange County All-County Orchestra
- Superior Rating at the FOA Solo and Ensemble competition
Future Lawyers of America
-Founding Vice President
Student Advisory Council
-Student Representative</p>
<p>The usual, very driven, good leadership qualities,</p>
<p>Chance me for:
Boston University
U of Michigan
<p>and any other recommendations.</p>
<p>Your stats are a little weak for most of these schools, but your URM status will help
I think Syracuse, Michigan, and NYU are matches/high matches and the rest of your schools are reaches. If you can raise your SAT scores to 650s across the board your chances will be much better.</p>
<p>with the current scores:
'cuse - match
nw - reach
bu - slight reach/high match
duke - reach
vandy - low reach
mich - mid match
gtown - reach
nyu - match</p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>Are High Matches good?</p>
<p>I am not very familiar with this system. lol</p>
<p>Don’t want to sound like a chance whore, but I am just curious what others think of my chances.</p>
<p>So Chance me please!</p>
<p>Your scores really aren’t good, sorry to be blatant. URM will help though…</p>
<p>Syracuse- Match
Northwestern- Reach
BU- Match/slight reach
Duke- Reach
Vandy- Reach
UMich- So-so match
Georgetown- Reach
NYU- Gonna say a slight reach here</p>
<p>I hope you applied to some safeties, because your standards seem to be set a little too high…</p>
<p>what does URM mean?</p>
<p>Id say, In at Syracuse and idk i dont really see you getting in elsewhere, you need to make sure u describe your family situation and make it an excuse because your grades and ec’s are most certainly week for those schools, besides cuse’ id say ur best chance is Boston U</p>
<p>URM means underrepresented minority, but it really won’t help that much because there will be plenty of URM’s applying (who may also be low income) with very high scores.</p>
<p>You should definitely add some safeties. Georgetown, Duke, Vanderbilt, NYU, Northwestern, Michigan (if you’re out of state) are reaches for kids with 2000+ SAT’s…rethink your choices—it’s probably not worth paying all that money. </p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>oh I see.
Well will ACT scores help?</p>
<p>possibly depends, i wouldn’t bother unless you get like a 30+ composite, but im saying this to be honest, you need some safeties man, look into schools like UNC Charlotte or maybe UMiami, or something, your best bet is SU and BU, but i dont think BU is a guarentee, like the poster above said, many kids in ur situation are pushing way higher scores, i lied your EC’s are great, i only half read them before</p>
<p>oh wow, this is a sad conclusion. I am applying to state schools, I was just thinking that I would have a chance at some of these schools. ANy other recommendations?</p>
<p>Essays or Teacher recs won’t help?</p>
<p>not trying to be mean, i didnt know u had safeties, i was trying to help you realize when u apply to great schools its a shot for any student
SAT Ranges:
Syracuse- CR: 550-650, M:570-680, W:N/A
Northwestern- CR: 670-750, M:680-770, W:660-750
BU- CR: 580-680, M:590-690, W:590-670
Duke- CR: 650-750, M:680-790, W:680-780
Vandy- CR: 640-740, M:660-740, W:640-730
UMich- CR: 590-690, M:630-730, W:N/A
NYU- CR: 620-710, M:620-720, W:620-710
GTown- CR: 650-750, M:650-740, W:N/A</p>
<p>and while scores and grades arent everything, but if u are below that fifty percent range, you have to make sure your essays and EC’s and leadership stuff is all top notch, so make sure you talk about your URM, and your money situation, just realize they are saying this is the most competitive class in like past 5 years</p>
<p>oh, I am not offended at all. I am actually glad I can get other peoples opinion. But I just hope my ec’s help.</p>
<p>I got a 26 on my ACT’s</p>
<p>fwiw…Do ec’s count?</p>
<p>Try for BU. NWestern, G’Town and NYU are too far reaches for you, I think.</p>
<p>So I have absolutely not chance at all at those schools?</p>