Chances for HS Junior?

<p>I've started looking around at different colleges and I'm pretty interested in UM. So far I'd say it's one of my top choices, but I was wondering if it's in my range. I haven't started college counseling at my school yet so any input would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA - 3.7</p>

<p>Haven't taken SATs yet, but PSATS:
Math- 61
CR- 60
Writing- 60
I'll be getting a tutor for the SATs so I'm hoping I'd be able to get at least a 2000. I'll probably end up taking it 3 times...</p>

<p>I won't really list the ECs...but I've done a decent amount of community service, had summer jobs, am involved in a couple school clubs</p>

<p>I run cross country and row crew at school...but summer sailing is my passion. I travel around for different regattas and actually just got back from Miami. I would defenitely contact the coach at UM because I'm really looking to sail there too. </p>

<p>Ok so that's it...let me know if it's in my range and how it matches (reach, fit, safety) if possible</p>


<p>if you SAT score lands in the 1900-2000 range you are in excellent shape.
good luck!</p>

<p>Is that your'e unweighted GPA or weighted GPA. Do you go to a very competitive school ( top public school) or a private institution(i.e., college prep school).</p>

<p>The average GPA for Fall 2007 was a 4.2 weighted and SATs of 1240-1380. </p>

<p>I attended one of the most recognized public schools in South Florida and my classmates who were accepted were in at least the Top 15th percentile ( Top 10th is more like it), had weighted GPA's of 4.3-4.8 and SATs in the mid 1300s-mid 1500s.</p>

<p>that's my weighted GPA. My school does it out 4.</p>

<p>I go to a private school near Boston. It's prestigious, but it also doesn't offer
many AP junior year, you can take up to 3 APs (I'm taking 2--English and French). And for senior year, you can take an AP science or math class (I'll take an AP science)...but that's it. So there aren't many options. Can that hurt me at all or will UM be understanding?</p>

<p>Also, where did you see the 4.2 avg GPA? I would imagine someone with a 4.2 would probably do better on the SATs...because I'm sure that I'll fall into the 1240-1380 range.</p>

<p>I don't really pay TOO much attention to the GPA part. I read in the Best 366 Colleges that Princeton's avg GPA was 3.85. That's hard to believe...</p>

<p>Anyways, thanks for the reply. I'll work on getting that GPA up :)</p>