Chances for James Madison?

<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.40</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 580
SAT I Critical Reading: 610
SAT I Writing: 690</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
Debate Team - grades 10, 11 and 12
Athletic Status - Crew - 9th grade. I couldn't continue b/c I moved from VA to Athens, Greece where my dad is stationed in the foreign services.
Cross country - 10th grade
Volunteer/Service Work: I went to a refugee soup kitchen to feed immigrants for 2 4-hour shifts in Athens, Greece.
Honors and Awards: Excellence in Greek Language (Beginner) 10th grade.
Honor role (every quarter since 10th grade began until-
Principals list (Q1 of senior year)</p>

<p>I didn't take honors level courses until 11th grade.
11th grade schedule:
IB Economics
IB Chemistry
AP English Lang & comp
IB Biology
IB Math studies (i couldn't take a harder math b/c i had never taken algebra 2)
Greek year 2</p>

<p>12th grade schedule:
IB Economics HL
IB Chemistry HL
AP English literature
AP Comparative Government
Spanish 1 Ab initio (i couldnt continue greek b/c it didn't fit in my schedule)</p>

<p>Technically i am a resident of VA</p>

<p>I have a very good letter of rec from my Economics teacher who loves me, and my major is economics</p>

<p>Everyone who has read my personal statement said it was really good, including 2 school counselors.</p>

thank you</p>

<p>Your stats and ECs are in range for an in-state applicant. Yes you have a chance.</p>

<p>I got in for spring transfer this year with a 3.4 gpa and limited exctracarriculars but a great personal statement so you surely have a chance. What semester are you applying for?</p>

<p>I’m applying for the fall semester</p>

<p>I think you have a chance. It worked out for me and Spring transfer is very competitive as their website says they only admit around 60 transfers in the spring (but it seemed there was more than 60 at orientation last month, but not by much). That being said, your gpa is the same as mine was so you have a good chance especially since they admit way more students in the fall (though more people apply, as I’m sure you know).</p>