<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.40</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 580
SAT I Critical Reading: 610
SAT I Writing: 690</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
Debate Team - grades 10, 11 and 12
Athletic Status - Crew - 9th grade. I couldn't continue b/c I moved from VA to Athens, Greece where my dad is stationed in the foreign services.
Cross country - 10th grade
Volunteer/Service Work: I went to a refugee soup kitchen to feed immigrants for 2 4-hour shifts in Athens, Greece.
Honors and Awards: Excellence in Greek Language (Beginner) 10th grade.
Honor role (every quarter since 10th grade began until-
Principals list (Q1 of senior year)</p>
<p>I didn't take honors level courses until 11th grade.
11th grade schedule:
IB Economics
IB Chemistry
AP English Lang & comp
IB Biology
IB Math studies (i couldn't take a harder math b/c i had never taken algebra 2)
Greek year 2</p>
<p>12th grade schedule:
IB Economics HL
IB Chemistry HL
AP English literature
AP Comparative Government
Spanish 1 Ab initio (i couldnt continue greek b/c it didn't fit in my schedule)</p>
<p>Technically i am a resident of VA</p>
<p>I have a very good letter of rec from my Economics teacher who loves me, and my major is economics</p>
<p>Everyone who has read my personal statement said it was really good, including 2 school counselors.</p>
thank you</p>