<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>I'm new to these threads, I've been browsing them for a couple days and the community and information here seems to be very useful and informative, so I'd like to open my posts here with a question that's been on my mind for the longest time.</p>
<p>These are the schools I'm looking to apply to (the ones I'm uncertain about):
-Carnegie Mellon
-Rice University (My top school, considering Early Decision)
-U of Texas, Austin
-U of Michigan, Ann Arbor</p>
<p>Here is my information:</p>
<p>Gender: Male
Race: Asian
Grade: Junior (class of 2012)
Location: Massachusetts
School: I attend one of the top public schools in the state</p>
-Unweighted GPA: 3.69
-Honors/AP classes: Honors Algebra 2 (A), Honors World History (A-), Honors Geometry (A-), AP Chemistry (Currently taking, getting A-), Honors Advanced Math (Currently taking, getting B-), taking 4 APs next year (Stats, Physics B, Psychology, Economics)
-Rank: My school doesn't rank, estimated around top 7-9%
-SAT: Just took it last week, haven't gotten scores back, estimated around 2200 (I'll update as soon as I get the score)
-SAT subject tests: Biology 770</p>
-Attended month long architecture academy (application only)
-National Honor Society member
-Over 60 hours community service
-Varsity track athlete (received varsity letter)
-Peer tutor
-Participated in a Boston-wide invite only software design competition, part of only teen group there
-This summer, I will create a financial data software program for a local financial firm
-Founding Aid for Japan club, where donations/relief will be sent to Japan along with educating people about the situation there
-Founding a crew team as soon as the spring season starts</p>
-Working (for 2 years) at a local recreation center, organizational manager
-Will work this summer for a local financial firm writing software</p>
-My recommendations should be good/solid
-My essay will be very good/hopefully outstanding</p>
<p>I realize that a lot of test scores will need to be added, but I'm looking for a rough sketch of what I'm good with and what fields I could use work in. I'll update the thread as soon as the information comes in. </p>
<p>Please share any tips/things you think I could improve!</p>