Chances for Texas A&M Engineering

I’m just wondering what my chances of getting accepted are based on my academic/test scores alone; I am a Texas resident.

GPA: 4.26
Class Rank: 149/776 (About Top 19%)
Old SAT: 1990. 650 Math, 710 Critical Reading, 630 Writing
New SAT (using conversion chart): 1400

Based on your results you are considered an academic automatic admit. Because you are in the top 25% and you reached the minimum old SAT score of a 1300 with at least a 600 on Math and 600 on Reading, this is what causes you to still be an automatic admit.

Based on your SAT, you are an academic admit to the university. You will not get into engineering based on your scores or academic admit status. They are going to look for your readiness to handle the first year curriculum. What are the rest of your stats and classes you will have completed by end of Sr. year, especially math and science.

This year I am taking AP Bio, AP Lit, PreAP Pre-calculus, AP German, AP Gov, and AP Macroeconomics. Last year I took AP Physics, AP Lang, PreAP Algebra 2, PreAP German, and AP US History. I submitted my application early so I wasn’t able to determine my extracurriculars for this year, but last year I was a member of my school’s Varsity Debate Team, Robotics Club, and German National Honor Society.

What is going to hurt your chances is that you are taking Pre AP Calculus and not Calculus BC as a senior and should have already taken Calculus AB. First semester engineering math is Calculus and without higher classes of calculus in high school, you will not place well on the Math Placement Exam (MPE) and you certainly would not be able to perform in the class. The other class you take first semester is Physics 218, which is calculus bases.
Your scenario is one of the reasons it has been stated as to why A&M has gone to full review of all applications for engineering. Being an auto/academic admit to the university does not guarantee readiness for the major. I think it unlikely you will be accepted into engineering. Being an auto admit to the university, they will likely notify you to choose another major, so have some ideas in mind. Mays is not out of the question for you. Have you already applied?

Yes, I have already applied.

I’m really glad a mistake I made in choosing classes for 8th grade will probably get me denied admission :confused:

@doomgiggles IKR !? But don’t worry it isn’t all set in stone. I’m not sure engineering is cutting kids just because they didnt take a certain class. because some kids just aren’t given the opportunity take Calc or Physics Much or AP in general .

So Engineering wants to see you excel in wherever you CAN do. for instance if you have a pre Engineering curriculum, look for a nearby engineering company and ask to be a psudoe intern or something . Did you do Early action?

If not, get good Pre Calc and bio grades and send them your new transcript BC engineering gives decisions mid January.

You have already applied, sit back and see what happens. I actually think you have a decent chance and here’s why: you have taken several college level courses, to include AP physics. Yes, like you stated, 8th grade math selection drives your math course series and admissions understands that. You are evaluated as an individual, if calculus were a required course, they would have stated it in pre-sessions which no one on here has mentioned. I am a former HS math teacher and good foundation of math is essential to success in Calculus, if you have that, you should be fine. If you do get in, I would get online & review/learn math concepts prior to taking the Math Placement test. My youngest did not take AP Calculus - didn’t fit in his schedule, so he took AP Stats. He took honors Calculus at TAMU and got an A without too much effort. It is students like him that will help your case. He opted for a business major, but also considered engineering so we researched both fields.

Remember we are not admission counselors but often just parents or students or future students that comment here. There are some administrators have commented here in the past, but they will identify themselves with their TAMU contact info. I will say having been around when the university has been making changes, I don’t feel like you fit the mold of the struggling engineering student. The ones we saw struggle had very low SAT scores (like over 100 points lower than yours) and were often unchallenged academically in HS because their peers were not competitive. So they entered college without true study skills and their HS grades were a product of being the best of a mediocre group- that sounds mean, but that is reality. The key will be determining potential to succeed - I believe that is why they are doing a holistic review, most likely also looking at your EC to see if you spend your time outside of coursework. Your EC includes critical thinking/problem solving activities, I’d say those would be positives on the admission criteria list.

IF I were to venture a guess, I’d say the most scrutiny will fall on those who are top 10% without academic admit level scores. Very few academic admits struggled in engineering to the point of having to drop the major. Will you have to work harder than your peers in math - yes. I would just do a self paced calculus course online so you aren’t quite so green when you come to campus.

Best of luck to you!

I have a lot of stuff to think on now. Thanks for the input everyone!