Chances for transfer merit aid?

<p>This forum seems pretty dead but I figured I'd ask anyway... Any chance I might get some merit aid (think deans scholarship) at Lewis & Clark? I got waistlisted in high school and didn't let myself get too devastated because the school offered the lowest amount of financial aid of any on my list but I would love the chance to attend now if merit might be an option (I'm not looking for a free ride I've just got high need). </p>

<p>White Female Sophomore at Colorado State University
College GPA 3.958 (only taking 12 credits a semester but a lot of my credits are upper-divisional)
Philosophy of Religion Major interested in international relations (but probably no room to minor if I transfer:[)
SAT 720 reading 560 math 720 writing
High school GPA 3.74
AP art score of 3
AP Psych score of 5
AP Comp score of 4
1 community college class in high school with an A
EC's=nothing exceptional thanks to a thyroid problem that limited my involvement a lot
Quite a bit of volunteer & work study while in college
Worked 15 hrs a week in high school
Pres of GSA/Amnesty International and Student Think Tank </p>

<p>I know I'm below average with my sat's but I'm not sure how they'll look at my college GPA.</p>

<p>I think you could get the Dean’s scholarship though it is limited to 1/4 tuition according to the web site. You certainly are doing better than a 3.0 for grades; and your SATs are not below average, just unbalanced. Given that you don’t intend to go into Math, I think you’ll be competitive.</p>

<p>Well I hope that’s true but isn’t the 3.0 just whats needed for continuing students to renew the scholarship?
They give this profile for the average recipient but I’m guessing that’s just displaying incoming freshman grades. </p>

<p>GPA: Middle 50% range 3.84–4.0
Rank: Nearly 83% were in the top tenth of their class.
SAT: Middle 50% range 1310-1410 (CR+M)
ACT: Middle 50% range 29-31</p>

<p>From the web site [Transfer</a> FAQs - Admissions - Offices - College of Arts and Sciences - Lewis & Clark](<a href=“]Transfer”>
3. What are the requirements for admission?</p>

<p>There are no GPA or credit distribution requirements for admission, but transfer admission at Lewis & Clark is selective. We look for applicants who have demonstrated success in challenging courses across the traditional academic disciplines, including college-level math, lab science, foreign language, and writing intensive coursework. Most successful applicants have carried at least a B average (3.0) in their academic courses at their previous institution(s). In addition, we value the contributions applicants have made through co-curricular involvement, employment, community service, and life experience.</p>

<p>Where did you get your information? It looks like it may NOT be for new freshmen.</p>

<p>Those are statistics for students who have received deans scholarships. </p>

<p>Ugg I do not have classes in multiple disciplines at all… I’ve only taken like one class outside my department a semester. Eeek</p>