Chances for U of Chicago

<p>Hi I am a junior at a reasonably competitive public school in southern California (~3300 students) </p>

<p>Basic stats:
UW GPA: 3.76 
W GPA: 4.2
10-12 UW: 3.87
10-12 W: 4.5
SAT: 2290 (710 CR, 780 M, 800 W)
ACT: 33 C (35 reading, 35 English, 32 math, 29 science )</p>

<p>ECs: heavily involved with the JDRF because my sister is a type 1 diabetic, since middle school. Founded a club at my school to help our local chapter.</p>

<p>Tutoring: paid and free, participate in student to student program in which I tutor an arab student with limited english (i am arab). May get a job at the tutoring center I attended for the SAT.</p>

<p>Summer program either COSMOS at UCSD, or EPGY at Stanford. These are biological research programs, although EPGY is more of a class. </p>

<p>Referee for soccer league and recreational player for many years (amazing I know)</p>

<p>School newspaper copy editor and writer for local news website</p>

<p>Class Rigor and Rank: I am in the first decile which is all my school reports, most likely in the top 4 or so % out of around 700 in our class. Last year my rank was 60/700 and 10-12 rank was 12/700. My GPA has increased significantly since then. I took 2 AP classes and one honors last year. Received two 5s on the AP tests. I am currently taking Langcomp, USH, calc AB, physics B, and Spanish 4. Next year I will most likely take 6 APs next year.</p>

<p>Awards: JDRF fundraising, 3 years in a row I have received the bronze shoe award for raising >$2000.</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Hook: no
Major: Biomed
Financial: 100,000 range, will apply for FA</p>

<p>I will apply to:
Uchicago (EA + plan to interview on campus, I have a large family in chicago)
Northwestern (possibly ED, maybe interview)
John hopkins</p>

<p>Do I have any chance at U of Chicago? I basically screwed up majorly in 1st semester of freshman year with 4 Bs, and I have received 3 Bs total since then. I feel that my questionable ECs, not being captain of some varsity sport, and average stats will make me just another rejected applicant. I will try as hard as I can to set myself apart with my essays, but I just want to know if it is statistically unrealistic. I thought that I would try to offset my GPA with my SAT, but i got a 710 in reading. If it's true that U of Chicago only looks at Cr + M, I honestly think it's over. Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>216 views and no replies makes it feel like CC is avoiding someone infected by the plague (B’s)</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>Elite college admissions only make sure that your stats are good enough and then focus on your personality, your true skills, and your accomplishments. Even your M/CR SAT is 1490, which is fine. You can get into Chicago with your stats, but more than anything, you’re going to have to convince them of your abilities and accomplishments through your essays.</p>

<p>There are plenty of 2400s who get rejected from Chicago each year because they’re too grade-focused and don’t understand what true success means. And then there are even some 2000/2100s who get in because they show that they have great potential.</p>

<p>Ok thanks that puts me somewhat more at ease. I have heard pretty much the same, but I just wanted to make sure that my grades and SAT did not already put UChicago out of reach.</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>You may have gotten a fair amount of B’s, but UChicago’s admissions has been cited to be a lot more holistic than most other schools. Your ECs/summer programs convey a positive image, no doubt. I’d say you have a solid chance at UChicago.</p>

<p>JHU (super competitive for biomed), Duke. and Cornell might be problems with the GPA, but the upward trend should help a lot. Your EC’s are not that spectacular, but the others on your list should be matches. Uchicago is unpredictable, so focus on the essays.</p>

<p>Thanks for being honest. JHU is honestly not that attractive for me because it would offer little flexibility if i eventually switched from medicine to business.</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>And I’m assuming that UPenn, Northwestern, and Columbia would also be dar reaches because of GPA right?</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>Grammernazi: thanks. I love your username by the way</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>

<p>I just realized you’re the same guy from the MITES thread, I was cracking up when people were criticizing your username</p>

<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>