<p>Hi I am a junior at a competitive public school in southern California (~3300 students) </p>
<p>Basic stats:
UW GPA: 3.76 :(
W GPA: 4.2
10-12 UW: 3.87
10-12 W: 4.5
SAT: 2290 (710 CR, 780 M, 800 W)
ACT: 33 C (35 reading, 35 English, 32 math, 29 science :()</p>
<p>ECs: heavily involved with the JDRF because my sister is a type 1 diabetic, since middle school. Founded a club at my school to help our local chapter.</p>
<p>Tutoring: paid and free, participate in student to student program in which I tutor an arab student with limited english (i am arab). May get a job at the tutoring center I attended for the SAT.</p>
<p>Summer program either HHMI at Cal State Fullerton, COSMOS at UCSD, or EPGY at Stanford. These are biological research programs, although EPGY is more of a class. </p>
<p>Referee for soccer league and recreational player for many years (amazing I know)</p>
<p>School newspaper copy editor and writer for local news website</p>
<p>Class Rigor and Rank: I am in the first decile which is all my school reports, most likely in the top 4 or so % out of around 700 in our class. Last year my rank was 60/700 and 10-12 rank was 12/700. My GPA has increased significantly since then. I took 2 AP classes and one honors last year. Received two 5s on the AP tests. I am currently taking Langcomp, USH, calc AB, physics B, and Spanish 4. Next year I will most likely take 5 APs again. </p>
<p>Awards: JDRF fundraising, 3 years in a row I have received the bronze shoe award for raising >$2000.</p>
<p>Gender: Male
Hook: no
Major: Biomed
Financial: 100,000 range, will apply for FA</p>
<p>I will apply to:
Uchicago (EA + plan to interview on campus, I have a large family in chicago)
Northwestern (possibly ED, maybe interview)
John hopkins</p>
<p>I know I am in pretty good standing for some of my UCs, but do I have a chance at any of the top schools i listed? I basically screwed up majorly in 1st semester of freshman year with 4 Bs, and I have received 3 Bs total since then. People tell me I have a good chance at all of them, but I feel that my questionable ECs, not being captain of some varsity sport, and average stats will make me just another rejected applicant. I will try as hard as I can to set myself apart with my essays, but I just want to know if it is statistically unrealistic. Thanks in advance</p>
<p>Sent from my ThunderBolt using CC</p>