Chances for University of Alabama?

I started my highschool career off pretty bad. My cumulative GPA for freshmen and sophmore year is only a 3.1. I only had regular classes too. Anyways I am in my junior year now and i really decided to apply myself. I have only 3 honors classes but If i keep my grades where they are now Ill have 6 A’s and one B+ bringing my Gpa up to a 3.46 weighted and i believe around a 3.3 unweighted. My classes this year are as followed:
Honors physics
Honors chemistry
Algebra 2
Honors US history
Spanish 2
Marketing and entrepenurship
American Literature

My senior year classes are laid out like this:
AP Economics macro/micro
AP physics or chemistry (choosing between these)
Honors Pre cal
Honors british lit (or another lit)
Advanced marketing

Saying i Get All A’s senior year (calculated my gpa to be around a 3.7 or 3.8 weighted) and a realtively good ACT score (like a 29 or 30) what are my chances of getting into The University of Alabama?

Senior year grades don’t count. Students typically apply to college in the fall, so there aren’t any senior semester grades to even report. It’s not like you’d be applying after you graduate, right?

That said, your GPA will likely be fine after junior year.

You’re a GA resident. Have to talked to your parents about them paying for college?

I believe your chances are very good.

Senior grades do not count towards your UA admittance decision…however, we don’t want to give current seniors the idea that their current senior year grades don’t count. Keep your nose to the grindstone, Seniors! If you are a borderline student, sometimes UA will ask to see 7th semester grades (after fall of your senior year) in order to see that you have continued to apply yourself. Good luck with your decisions.

You should be able to get in. Son was accepted in Bama and SC with a 3.4723 and a 1310 SAT score. Waiting to hear from one more school. He raised his grades 1st semester of senior year to boost GPA to 3.51. Thought those grades would have been considered but unfortunately they weren’t…only grades from grade 9-11 for Bama. He didn’t qualify for the automatic academic scholarships (minimum 3.5 GPA) which is a bummer! Still hoping for the Competitve Scholarships from the Alumni to help pay for OOS tuition. Finish your Jr. year strong and good luck!

The law of averages is indeed against those who start HS poorly and try to bring their grades up later. (Same applies to freshmen in college, so start strong to finish strong!)

You could try talking to someone in admissions regarding your progress, and highlight the growth you have made to turn this situation around. I do not know how lenient (if at all) they are for the auto academic scholarships. Also, I don’t know if this will work or not, but perhaps taking 1 more honors/weighted class this coming summer (between junior and senior year) may appear on your 9-11 grade transcript to get you to the 3.5 gpa mark?

Im not exactly sure how accurate gpacalculator . net is but From what I see right now if I get one or 2 more grades up this semester I could end with around a 3.58 weighted GPA. but yes I could possibly talk to my counselor about taking another honors class this summer and if it would go on my 9-11 gpa which it hopefully would.

@aeromom will summer course be included in the GPA calculation? My understanding is that HS normally does not include outside score in their GPA calculation…

Our HS did include outside grades as long as the class satisfied a graduation requirement (such as US Govt). As I stated, I am not sure this will work for this student, but it is worth asking about.

@aeromom Im not exactly sure how accurate gpacalculator . net is but From what I see right now if I get one or 2 more grades up this semester I could end with around a 3.58 weighted GPA. but yes I could possibly talk to my counselor about taking another honors class this summer and if it would go on my 9-11 gpa which it hopefully would.

Bump. Also if anyone knows is the highschool gpa calculator on is accurate?

I got in with a 3.37 W GPA and an 1170 new SAT. People in my school got in with worse stats. I can’t imagine you not getting in.

A 2.9 GPA with higher than average test scores should get you in too.