Chances of getting into UA?

University of Alabama is my top choice, I booked a visit next month. I called admissions office and realized they do not require resumes or care if you visit or not!!! Which is stressful for out of state applicants financially. They only want your scores.
I did poorly on the April SAT (970) I definitely didn’t give my all becuase I was planning on taking the essay portion but now I was told the essay really doesn’t even matter it’s a waste of time.
I don’t take my ACT until September 9 and my next SAT are October 7 becuase August was all filled up. Worried about waiting so late but it’s my fault, I’m also disappointed because my resume was what I really had going for. My gpa freshmen year was a 3.0453 no honor classes or AP my gpa sophomore year was 3.2843 one honors class, 11th grade my gpa UNWEIGHTED was a 3.0470 I don’t know what it would be weighted hopefully not too bad… As I was saying, I’m disappointed that they do not require any resume information because I have 75+ community service hours, lacrosse & volleyball all four years varsity for three, CAPTAIN sr year for BOTH sports, DECA president, students against self destruction club, student council also work two jobs. For my senior year I am taking two AP classes AP psychology AP human geography and otherness classes such as buisness mgt, English 4 level 1, Stats level 1, and other extra courses. What are my chances of getting in as this is my top school but I don’t think I have the best GPA especially because it is harder to get into now and also I know this doesn’t make a difference or will help me get in but I am from up north (CT). Thank you!!!

I forgot to add, but I’ve taken three years of foreign language (Spanish), 4 years of social studies (ap class sr year), 4 years of math, 3 years of science such as chemistry, integrated honors. Also my school does classes by levels
Least to best-
Level 3
Level 2 (intermediate level)
Level 1
I’ve taken ALL level 1 classes since a freshmen.
My other schools consist of Unversity of Tampa, Florida atlantic, Florida international, Quinnipiac, university of Delaware, and my safe school is eastern CT

When you called the admissions office did you ask if they’d look at the resume-type information if you send it?

No… I didn’t I just said so you won’t accept it and she said they request nor reccomend so I guess there’s that plus the application is 5 mins long literally all you do is tell them your information and release your schools info for ur Tess that it is it

  • don't request

@lzyaa18, the best advice I can offer is to get your application in as early as possible and RE-TEST. There’s still time to prep for the ACT/SAT, so do that. Also, they accept weighted GPAs, so have your counselor calculate that and make sure it’s sent in.

One other thing: I assume you’ve run the cost attending UA out of state past your folks, and they’re okay with it? It’s at nearly $42,000 a year - a bargain for some and a complete deal-breaker for others!

Good luck to you!