Chances For University of Miami?

<p>I am applying early action, wanting to major in electrical engineering,</p>

<p>GPA: 4.5 (weighted) 3.5 (unweighted)
ACT: 26, E: 30 M: 27 R: 20 S: 25 W: 11, Comb. E/W: 31 (bad i know, but I am re-taking in October for a 28+)
AP: World History, Chemistry, English Language and Composition, Spanish Language, Microeconomics, Statistics
Rank: School does not rank</p>

Political Action Internship (2 yrs, but only eligible in junior year)
Concert Band (3 yrs)
Jazz Band (1 yr)
Volunteer at local hospital (4 yrs - 2 yrs as head supervisor)
Volunteer as AYSO Soccer Referee (3 yrs)
Over 200 hrs of total volunteer work
Student Ambassador (4 yrs)
Junior/Senior Class Council (2 yrs, Treasurer both years)
Debate Team (2 yrs)
Class Advisory Leader (2 yrs)
Architectural Apprenticeship (1 yrs - Quit because I hated architecture)</p>

Questbridge College Prep Scholar (Junior Year)
Perfect Attendance (Grade 9, 10, 11 (maybe 12))
Church Essay Contest Winner (9, 10)</p>

Ethnicity: African American
State: IL
School: Top 3 public school in IL. Top 50 in country.</p>

<p>So what are my chances? This is a target school.</p>

<p>You have a chance. Definitely apply EA. Being African-American will help, but your ACT’s are a little low. My wGPA was lower but my SAT was much higher from a top notch suburban public. Get some good recs and talk yourself up really well and it is within reach.</p>

<p>Did you take the SAT also and did poorly there too?</p>

<p>I’m taking the SAT for the first time in Oct.</p>

<p>Everything about your application looks good accept for your ACT scores. They are very low for this school but your GPA will definitely make up for it</p>

<p>Agree with everything above ^ You definitely have a chance, just write a really good essay. Good luck!</p>

My ACT score is now a 28. What are my chances now?</p>

<p>E: 30 M: 28 R: 26 S: 26 W: 11 Comb. E/W: 31</p>

<p>Even better. I think you have a chance, it’s DEFINITELY worth it to apply. Good luck!</p>

<p>hopefully you get in did u get a acceptance letter yet?</p>

<p>My advice would’ve been to take the SAT. I feel like a 28 is fine enough to get in, but the scores you did best at were English and Math, and UM only looks at CR + M for the SAT…</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in being an URM.</p>

<p>I am almost sure you are in. Lowest they were taking this year was 28. I saw as low as 24 with good GPA (URM). Definitely apply ED or EA because they give also better merit scholarships and grants.</p>

<p>Just for the record, I was admitted back in February and now I have the Hammond Scholarship too.</p>

<p>Congrats freedom2, have you made a decision yet about where you’ll attend?</p>

<p>So I was right! Congrats!!! Go canes!</p>

<p>@ZincWhiskers With the Hammond Scholarship covering tuition and need based aid covering 75% of the rest of the costs. I am 95% sure I am attending university of Miami in the fall.</p>