Chances of getting into Virginia Tech

I have a 3.62 gpa, 1170 SAT (waiting for score from October SAT which should be around a 1250 based on my practice on Khan Academy), I’m in the top 30% of my class and an African American female. I completed all three essays and applied Early Decision for Neuroscience. My grades dipped due to my parents separation Junior year (I was greatly affected by this), but I have informed the admissions office my grades are back on track.

9th grade
Spanish 3- A
Algebra 1- A
Honor Band- A
Earth Science H- B
English- B
Pre-AP World History H- B

10th grade
Spanish 4H- A-
Geometry- B+
Honor Band- A+
Research Biology- B-
English H- B+
AP World History- B

11th grade
Jazz Ensemble- A+
Honor Band- A+
Research Chemistry- B-
AP Language and Composition- C
Dual Enrollment USH- C
Economics- B+
Personal Finance- A

12th grade
Honor Jazz Band
Honor Band
Dual Enrollment English
AP Environmental Science
AP Comparative US Government
AP Psychology
(I currently have As in all my classes except for Pre-Calculus)

EC: Marching Band (5 years), Winter Guard (2 years), Winter Drumline (2 years)
Leadership: Trombone section leader (2 years marching band and 3 years honor concert band)
Volunteer Work: 30-hour famine (volunteering at local church to help the homeless community)
School Clubs: Student Leaders (a group of students nominated by staff members), Lemon Club (fighting against childhood cancer), Latin Club, National Honor Society, Music Masters Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society

Your stats look decent, no one can ever say for sure. Just off the top of my head (idk exactly how competitive the college of science is) but lacking Calc your senior year may hurt you.

Are you IS or OOS? You are missing a math class junior year and your AP science senior year is considered one of the easier ones. Wanting to go into Neuroscience AP Bio or AP Chem probably would have been a better choice. Your SAT is also slightly below the average too. Hopefully applying ED will help and you really came across in your essay as wanting to be a Hokie. Good luck!

I’m IS and I took Algebra 2 junior year and finished with an A-. I’m also aware of the lack of Calculus, however, I am able of picking up math quicker when it’s applied through science. Thanks for all the replies!

50/50 chance. They are going to concentrate on your math/science GPA/classes the most.

Sciences are tough at VT but fingers crossed it works out for you! Good luck

Update I got in off the waitlist after being deferred and then waitlisted!!
