Chances for tech (low GPA)

GPA: 3.63 weighted
ECS: JV soccer (2 years) Emergency Medical Technician volunteer(EMT)(1 year) Hospital volunteer (1 year) Model un (3 years) DECA (3 Years) (state qualifier) Robotics (1 year) Soccer referee (2 years) Travel soccer (7 years)
Have taken 3 APS so far, and will take 3 APS next year and i am instate

Most likley majoring Undecided or Buisness, do I even have a chance of getting into tech?

Always a chance, nothing to lose so go for it and have other options as well.

Make sure you take the application seriously. Complete ALL optional essays. If you are sincere in your writing, I think you have a good chance.

What’s your unweighted GPA? That’s the one they will look at - or recalculate their own way

It is a 3.5 I believe but I am retaking a math class i failed freshman year and also have beginning of senior year to bring my GPA up by .2 or more