Chances for Virginia Tech

I’m currently a rising senior in high school so the time for applying to colleges is quickly approaching, I’ve always had my eyes on Virginia Tech and recently visited so I wanted to get some other opinions on my chances of getting in. I specifically want to be accepted directly into the College of Engineering, which does affect my chances. I have also thought of applying for early decision, the only downside to this is I wouldn’t have much time to take the SAT again and subject tests if it would help my application.

GPA - UW: 3.9 , W: A bit over 4.1

SAT - I have taken the SAT twice now, and for Virginia Tech it would super score to 1430 (700 Math, 730 Reading)

Extracurriculars - This is where things take a dip, I haven’t done much beside some small amounts of volunteer work and swim team for 2 years. I’ve also been in some clubs, but the I haven’t done much of anything with them.

Course Work - My school doesn’t offer many AP courses, but the few they do offer in house I’m taking next year I have taken several DE courses and generally tried to take the hardest version of the courses offered.

I’m also In-state for Virginia Tech, I live in the southwestern portion and I’ve heard that scores are lower from this region of Virginia when compared to NOVA.

I’m aware that Virginia Tech has gotten harder to get in over the past few years, especially the College of Engineering. Since I do want to apply early decision this doesn’t leave much time to retake the SAT a third time to try and get a better score, but I have thought of taking two subject tests in August which should be back before I apply.

Any advice is appreciated, I’m sure I left something important out so just ask for anything else if you think it would be important.


I think you have a good chance. If VT is your top choice, apply ED. Write 3 great, unique essays. Go for it.

Well you are definitely in the meaty part if the distribution curve, so you have good chances. Make sure you are taking advanced math and science and doing well in them. Good luck.

I don’t know that you should take the subject tests unless you will be applying to other universities that require them. Instead, focus on the regular SAT and drill down your mistakes. Take the practice tests again and again. In addition to writing 3 strong and honest essays, make sure that you take a campus tour and get on their mailing list to show “demonstrated interest”.