Chances for Virginia Tech's Engineering program

I am really interested in VT engineering program, and I want to know my chances of getting accepted.
I am Out of State, have a 3.87 UW GPA and I have a 4.1 W GPA (honors classes are 4.5 and AP are 5.0 at my school)
I rank around 50/410. I moved in the middle of Freshman year and the school only let me take regular classes for that year, so that’s a big reason as to why my W GPA and class rank is lowish. I have only gotten 2 Bs in High School, both were in non-core classes and were low As until my final exam grade brought them to an 88 and an 89. I realize shows that I was lazy and messed up at the last minute, and my excuses probably won’t mean anything to colleges

My ACT is a 28 and I am hoping to get it to be a 30 or so before I apply.
My extracurriculars include volunteering at the library, being an assistant coach for a U9 team for 3 seasons, working as a referee, and a member in Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Key Club, and Science Olympiad. I plan on writing my essay on Science Olympiad and am running for office for at least 3 of the clubs, but I doubt I’ll get the position for more than 1 club.

Because I could not pick my freshman schedule when I moved, I’m worried colleges will think I’m not hardworking because I don’t have that many weighted classes. Many of my friends that I am just as smart as have more honors classes than me. I took 4 honors classes in 10th grade and my 11th-grade schedule is 4 AP classes, 3 Honors, and 1 regular (Computer programming), and next year I intend to take Ap physics 1 and 2, Calc AB and BC, and AP Psych. I have also taken 2 honors classes over the summer.
Because I am taking 4 AP classes right now, all of my grades are hovering around a 90, but I think I can get all As by the end of the school year, albeit low As. The 4.1 GPA I gave does not include the classes I am taking this year, so my GPA should go up, but there is a chance it might stay around the same if I get a B or 2.

Thanks for reading and responding

I know VT has around a 72% acceptance rate I’ve heard the acceptance rate for their engineering program is around 55%, but I want to hear directly about my chances from people who have experience with VT’s Engr. program

Review the current year RD tread. You will see the acceptances are all over the place so that is your own best estimate of what chance would be. In the end, all schools are 50/50. It will either be yes or no and trying to guess what admissions will do is near impossible since we do not have all the same data and the other applicants for comparison.

As a side note, I imagine you should really try for a significant increase in the ACT, especially the Math portion for Engineering consideration. Best of luck.

With your current stats, it might not happen. If you want a good chance then you need to up your ACT by a lot. I had a 1400 SAT, 25/500+ students, 5’s on multiple AP Exams, in state, URM, 4.3/3.85, and I got my second choice. My friends with similar and higher stats also did not get engineering and we are all instate. It was more like 40% acceptance rate this year and I imagine it going down over the next few years as they join the coalition app. Get your ACT up and you have a shot as your grades are good. Good luck.

I think you have a pretty good shot! I have pretty similar stats as you and got accepted with a scholarship (and am OOS). Just make sure your superscore for English and Math is good since VT superscores like that. But def apply bc I think you have a decent shot :slight_smile:

You are in the ballpark. That said, engineering at tech is fickle, plenty of people just as good or better do not get in.

I wish you well @kavitis186 but I think that competition is high this year for engineering. My DS was given second choice major with scores of SAT 1460, ACT 32, GPA 3.8UW, 11AP’s including BC and solid essays communicating his enthusiasm to be a Hokie and how he would commit his leadership and service to the Blacksburg community as he did in his hometown. Additionally we had visited the campus and continually shown interest. Not sure what else he could have done but it wasn’t meant to be. Good luck and really talk with admissions in how you can make your application stand out amongst the rest.