Chances (I know, I know)- Please

<p>Hello everyone, I'm a male senior at a private high school in Minnesota. I'm looking to apply for very difficult schools but I don't feel I will get accepted. I am looking at GREAT engineering shcools.Can someone help me with this. Here's my profile:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 wieghted, 3.86 wieghted
Top 8% school rank
Race: Caucasian (Mixed with Middle Eastern)
ACT: 28 w/o finishing, retaking looking for 30+
AP and Honors classes for 2 years, I goofed freshman year but have worked very hard to make up for it. Junior year weighted GPA: 4.27
3 B+'s Junior and Sophmore year, a few more Freshman year.
Taking college Freshman courses at the University of Minnesota this year as well as High School Courses not to be confused with AP) (AKA PSEO- Post Secondary Enrollment Options)</p>

Golf 3+ years
Math League 1 year
Quiz bowl 1 year
Basketball 1 year
Soccer 2 years
National Honr Society Member 2 years
80+ hours of volunteer work
Previous Work Experience (construction)
Planning on helping people with disablitites (volunteer)</p>

<p>1st Gen. College Student as well</p>

<p>Also I am going to apply early decision (Stanford if theres a decent chance of acceptance). Im looking at some good Engineering Schools (especially Civil). Can someone please give me a realistic view of which schools I will have a good chance at. Im hoping Univeristy of California- Berkeley or Stanford, but feel as those are too much of a reach. ANy suggestions on engineering schools that I will pretty much get accepted into for sure.</p>

<p>I've heard thus far:
John Hopkins
Harvey Mudd
U Illinios-Champaign Urbana

<p>Yes, your profile is not as competitive for the schools listed as they could be though you could always try to offset that with an essay. Just a heads up, Stanford doesn't have early decision, it has single choice early action. Carnegie Mellon? Though it's probably a slight reach for you.</p>

<p>You need to start by looking at the common data sets which will show you where you stand against those accepted. Your stats are very low for all but Ill which I have no idea about.</p>