<p>Hello everyone, I'm a male senior at a private high school in Minnesota. I'm looking to apply for very difficult schools but I don't feel I will get accepted. I am looking at GREAT engineering shcools.Can someone help me with this. Here's my profile:</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 wieghted, 3.86 wieghted
Top 8% school rank
Race: Caucasian (Mixed with Middle Eastern)
ACT: 28 w/o finishing, retaking looking for 30+
AP and Honors classes for 2 years, I goofed freshman year but have worked very hard to make up for it. Junior year weighted GPA: 4.27
3 B+'s Junior and Sophmore year, a few more Freshman year.
Taking college Freshman courses at the University of Minnesota this year as well as High School Courses not to be confused with AP) (AKA PSEO- Post Secondary Enrollment Options)</p>
Golf 3+ years
Math League 1 year
Quiz bowl 1 year
Basketball 1 year
Soccer 2 years
National Honr Society Member 2 years
80+ hours of volunteer work
Previous Work Experience (construction)
Planning on helping people with disablitites (volunteer)</p>
<p>1st Gen. College Student as well</p>
<p>Also I am going to apply early decision (Stanford if theres a decent chance of acceptance). Im looking at some good Engineering Schools (especially Civil). Can someone please give me a realistic view of which schools I will have a good chance at. Im hoping Univeristy of California- Berkeley or Stanford, but feel as those are too much of a reach. ANy suggestions on engineering schools that I will pretty much get accepted into for sure.</p>
<p>I've heard thus far:
John Hopkins
Harvey Mudd
U Illinios-Champaign Urbana