<p>3.3 GPA (weighted)</p>
<p>SAT scores: 1810
SAT without writing: 1310
Bio E - 690
Korean w/ Lis - 690
Lit - 700</p>
<p>in total of all my IB/ap courses</p>
<p>IB english 11
AP english 12
IB Bio HL 1,2
IB Chem 1
IB Physics 1 SL
IB Environmental Systems SL
IB Topics HL
AP Calc AB
IB Music SL
IB Business Mang. SL</p>
- Page volunteer 4 years (2hr every week)
- MUN 4 years (1hr every week) - secretary
- Music composition 4 years (won state competitions)
- Internship at acupuncturist since 11th grade
- Orchestra - violin since 5th grade
- YCC state youth corps 9,10th
- Science Olympiad - since 9th grade</p>
<p>(listing all the long term EC - i have more short term stuff that is just 'fluff')</p>
<p>Other info:</p>
<li>taken around 4 IB and 1 AP so far</li>
<li>Senior year - (5 more IB and 1 AP) </li>
<li>all pre IB/honor classes (cores until IB/AP) </li>
9th: 3.3
10th: 3.1
11th: 3.8</li>
<li>I know that my grades are not that good but hoping that ED will at least give me a better chance at getting in?</li>
<li>Trying to go towards music therapy (bio/music major) - emphasized in the essay</li>
<p>so is there at least a chance ... ._.</p>
<p>thanks in advance!</p>