Chances MechE

<p>CA Resident
GPA: 4.32 (with 4 H/AP in 11th and 4 in 12th)
SAT: m/cr/w 680/600/600
Senior courseload: currently taking ap calc, ap chem, and physics
Summer jobs and volunteer work</p>

<p>Based solely on the info above, would i survive SLO’s mechE program? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes. Very good stats. Poly likes to see a high math SAT.</p>

<p>Giants, do you personally know any engineers at poly? Are you sure my math sat is high enough? I don't know if it'll be enough for engineering.</p>

<p>Yes, I know many engineers here. I misread your first post though, as I really don't know if you will survive. A lot of people transfer out of engineering, not matter how good their stats are. I've heard that engineers who graduate are the ones who can accept failure. Almost every engineer fails a class here. How well you deal with that is the key to "survival." That is hard to measure with stats. As far as getting in, I think you have a good shot. The avg SAT for engineers is around 1280, so you're right in the middle of the pack. It's good that your math SAT is higher than your verbal. Your gpa is exceptional, so I think that's what will get you in.</p>

<p>Thanks Giant! I just read my original post and found an error - should've been 670 writing, not 600. Does Poly even consider our writing score?</p>

<p>I've heard that they don't consider the new writing section, but check that with Admissions.</p>

<p>Giants, which residential halls do you think are the best at SLO? Why? Are freshmen allowed to live in suites/apartments?</p>

<p>bumpageasdf asdf df</p>

<p>I liked the red brick dorms. i'd stay away from tenaya, as it's all engineering, but any of the others would be good choices. They have study halls/quiet rooms inside, and many people are in the same major.</p>

<p>be prepared for the severe grade rape you will endure as an engineer.</p>