Chances of acceptance!

<p>I have a 3.3 unweighted GPA. By the time I have graduated, I will have taken 8 AP classes. The rest of my classes, besides a few are honors. My ACT score is 32 and super score is a 33. I am also a research intern at Vanderbilt University. Also planning to take 3 subject tests (Biology, Math 2, Physics). Extracurricular -Robotics Competitions, Robotics Club Pres, Stage Manager in Theatre Dept, Employee at Laser Quest, etc.
(Also, I am an African American, but don't let this be a huge factor in your response please.)
What are my chances of getting into schools like:
Georgia Tech
UM-Ann Arbor

U SoCal
Carnegie Mellon
Cooper Union
Harvey Mudd
Fordham </p>

<p>Please suggest others. I want to do Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, or Physics.</p>

<p>I think you have a solid resume, your ACT will be a strong factor. However, your gpa is going to hurt your chances at most of these schools, but you will definitely be considered because (I know you don’t wanna hear it) you’re African American. Vandy, Columbia, and Northwestern are certainly reaches in my opinion, but you should go for it. Good luck</p>